Utterly disgusting. Were these people who had this urinal grown in a petrie dish and had no mothers. Read the story here.
Recommend this postUtterly disgusting. Were these people who had this urinal grown in a petrie dish and had no mothers. Read the story here.
Recommend this postThis weekend Netanyahu of Israel was in Toronto. He was met with cheers and jeers. Hundreds of demonstrators turned out to protest Israel's treatment of Palestinians.
He was also interviewed by Peter Mansbridge of CBC and asked if Israel has nuclear weapons. He was completely evasive and instead said that if there is going to be a Palestinian state it should be completely disarmed. Mansbridge repeated the question and he started talking about Iran and how dangerous it was becoming as it was trying to acquire nuclear weapons. His hypocrisy was blatantly incredulous – arm Israel to the teeth including its nuclear arsenal but disarm the rest of the Middle East including Iran. You can watch CBC video here.
Sure Benjamin Netanyahu, that will sure make the Middle East and the world peaceful. This man needs a psychiatrist and the world is badly in need of peace.
A survey was done by the European Commission of EU countries where 15 countries were surveyed asked the question of who was the biggest threat to world peace. 60% who surveyed said Israel was the biggest threat to world peace – bigger than Iran, North Korea and the USA.
“The European Commission survey asked the public in all 15 member states to look at a list of countries and say which they considered potential threats to peace. Israel was selected by a majority in almost all the EU member states, with 74% of Dutch citizens putting the country at the top of the list as a threat to peace and 69% of Austrian citizens.”
Here are the names of the countries surveyed:
Czech Republic
Israel needs a sane leader.
More news from the Middle East as atrocities against Palestinians continue.
10 die in Israeli raid on aid flotilla; Commandos storm Gaza-bound ships in international waters. Click here to read the story.
Yes G20 and G8 are going to cost Canadian taxpayers over $1.1 billion, with a B, for Harper’s photo op with world leaders. What do the taxpayers get in return? May be more taxes. Are these meetings any worth to Canada? Maybe they should have been held on Magdalen Islands to keep the security costs down, click here to read the story.
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Recommend this postOne feels for the mothers who went to visit their children in Iran who are detained by Iran. I think Iran should free these people, who are two men and a woman. Read the story here.
However, it is striking how much and extensive coverage these three detainees are getting and how Iran is painted as a horrible country to detain such nice US citizens. I think all countries should show restraint. However, before Americans condemn other countries they should look at themselves too and what they have done in Iraq and Afghanistan. They went there and killed innocent civilians by the hundred of thousands – according to some estimates one million in Iraq and close to one hundred thousand civilians killed in Afghanistan.
That is not all, let us look at what happened at the Abu Gharib jail in Iraq. Innocent Iraqis tortured and killed in their own country. Moreover, ongoing torture and killing of detainees both in Iraq and Afghanistan. We must also not forget the hundreds of innocent people held at Gitmo for years.
More recently look at what Arizona is doing to those it calls illegal aliens. You must have heard of Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona who thinks he has a God given right to arrest everybody who does not look lily white like him. Is the US not the worst violator of human rights? We forget that Pakistan alone has received millions of Afghanis as refugees. Egypt, Turkey, Jordan and Syria received millions of Iraqi refugees. The US must look inside its own ugly face before it can lecture the world or pretend to spread democracy. It has created more misery around the globe than any other country in recent history.
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We hear a lot about nuclear power plants and possible accidents and then of nuclear weapons proliferation and possible nuclear winter. Is it possible that we humans are capable of destroying life on this planet and especially is it possible to wipe out the human race? The answer is yes. It is not a fiction and it is quite possible.
A suffocating and sinking thought but the possibility does exist. And if it happens then will the surviving animals take over and start a real animal kingdom? Yes that is possible too. It actually happened in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant area, Ukraine. Many were killed and maimed and the rest of the people left the area.
I watched a program on this weekend's The Passionate Eye, May 23, 2010. It is very engaging that how animals coped and how radioactive material continues to impact. There is a fascinating story within the story of a cat and her kittens and how she moved from place to place to keep herself (and her kittens) alive. It is an eye opener, if we humans are not careful with our nuclear and other dangerous weapons and industrial toys we may end up being an extinct species. Nature has certain rules and if we constantly violate those rules there are consequences.
We know the most recent disaster of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and how catastrophic it has become. There are many other catastrophes looming if we are not careful.
You can read the CBC story here, however the video has not been posted yet.
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Recommend this postYou don't believe me. Wait until next Halloween. Be careful when you open your door for trick and treat. If you still don't believe me then read here.
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Update: This video puts some more light on Miss USA or Miss Stripper.
He is the least liked amongst the three national leaders. What was the Liberal caucus thinking when they appointed him leader? What is next for the Liberal Party? It does not look good. Ignatieff does not seem to connect with voters at all. What is it about him? Highly educated and travelled the world but when it comes to politics he was better off staying in the academic world. I do want the Liberal Party to succeed but currently all the signs are depressing.
Click here to read the story.
Repugs constantly talk about family values except for their own families. Mark Souder had to resign because he was doing one of his staffers.
Click here to read the story.
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To read the story and see the slide show click here.
Recommend this postWhat is this gimmick of soaking oil from the ocean with human hair? How do you do that when the spill is now estimated at 80,000 – 100,000 barrels a day; a lot more than B.P wants people to believe. B.P lies and lies and lies some more. Everyday new information is coming out and the disaster sounds bigger and bigger. At that rate of spill it equals Exxon-Valdez every five days. You figure out that disaster equals how many Exxon-Valdezes so far.
B.P oil spill is terrorism of a unique nature. It is going to destroy the livelihoods of thousands upon thousands of fishers along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and thousands of tourism operators may be out of business. Then extraordinary damage being done to marine life and birds. Moreover we don't know yet what some of the health problems are going to be for people who use the beeches without knowing about the oil toxin in the water and some eating fish without knowing toxins in them. That is not all, some chemicals are being used to break the oil slick and those chemicals plus the oil ends up at the bottom of the sea. How that is going to impact marine life and beaches in the long run? It is one scary and dangerous spill which puts terror in hearts of those who are going to be impacted, especially the fishers, tourism operators and those who eat fish and use tourism services. This drill baby drill may in the long-run result in "kill baby kill".
Here is a good song: "Oil In The Water"
It is just a tiny amount oil in the water: Tony Hayward B.P. C.E.O.
The picture speaks for itself. Conservatives and Liberal Democrat coalition in Britain.
David Cameron: Prime Minister
Nick Clegg: Deputy Prime Minister
Stephen Harper: Prime Minister?
Jack Layton: Deputy Prime Minister?
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Recommend this postRead the stories...
Afghan war costs now outpace Iraq's ...$6.7 Billion a Month...Civilian Casualities up 76 %
US Troops Carrying Out 'Battlefield Executions' In Afghanistan, Seymour Hersh Says
Obama's Afghanistan: No Political Strategy, No Benchmarks, No End Point
And Here.
Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General, was in Ottawa. He asked Stephen Harper to give top priority to climate change at the upcoming G-20 and G-8 meetings that Harper is hosting. Stephen Harper gave the Secretary General a cold shoulder as usual and emphasized the need for economic issues to take priority at these meeting. The Secretary General should have known that Mr. Harper comes from planet Tar Sands. Too bad for Canada and its reputation for becoming an obstructionist in the World when it comes to the environment.
Click here for the full story.
What do these two men have in common? They both claim to be head of something. One claims to be the head of the Vatican and the other claims to be the head of Afghanistan. They both have problems with their minions.
Pope has bishops, priests and other minions who like to diddle the young boys. Karzai has his warlords and their minions who like to diddle young boys as well. What to do? The invasion of Afghanistan did not help to solve that problem but only aggravated it because boy diddling became more and more a pass time for Karzai's minions. Invading Vatican may not solve any problems either. A major change of values is needed. Both are difficult to tackle as Afghanistan is a very mountainous terrain and very difficult to tame. On the other hand the Vatican's problematic minions are spread all over the globe.
In case of Afghanistan, NATO and others may be willing to help. Any volunteers for the Vatican?
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Recommend this postOn what he whispered to Kagan before her remarks on Monday: ABC's Robin Roberts asked, "First of all, was it appropriate for morning television? And can you share what you said?" Biden responded, "It was totally appropriate, and I said, 'you did a great job.'"
Click here to read more.
Since the botched attempt by Faisal Shahzad, the klutz, to blow up a van in New York's Times Square, he has been in the news non-stop. Every news media around the world and especially North America has been going at it. Does it not make him an iconic figure in places like Pakistan, Afghanistan and for other sympathizers and would-be-bombers. Does it not encourage copycats?
It is thanks to Bush/Cheney policies of the past 8 years that we have come to this. They invaded Afghanistan and then on false pretences of WMDs invaded Iraq. Now it turns out that the real problem areas are Iran and Pakistan.
The invasion of Iraq has greatly strengthened Iran. Iran's main rival, who provided some balance of power in the region, was Saddam Hussein. He is gone. Iran has a free hand in the region now. With Shiites in power in Iraq, Iran has more influence in Iraq than anytime in recent history. After the US leaves Iraq the Shiite leaders like Muqtada al-Sadr will become the kingmakers. Muqtada al-Sadr is definitely not known to be pro-west. He is very much pro-Iran. Moreover Saddam Hussein was dead-set against extremists like Al-Qaeda. Now Iraq is a breeding ground for such extremists.
The botched invasion of Afghanistan has resulted in dangerous destabilization of Pakistan. Pakistan is a nuclear power and its instability makes it all the more dangerous. Moreover, a major part of Pakistan, North Western territories, are Pashtun, the same ethnic group as the Taliban in Afghanistan and many Pashtun in Pakistan have turned into hardened Taliban. I believe Faisal Shahzad comes from that ethnic background. Moreover, Pashtun are very influential in government circles of Pakistan and in the military and they hold high positions. As a matter of fact Shahzad's father, who is retired now, was a very high ranking air force officer in Pakistan. Thanks to Bush and Cheney policies both the Middle East and the Af-Pak-India regions are more unstable now.
It does not look that Barack Obama has learned much from the blunders of his predecessors. His escalation of drone attacks into Pakistan provides fuel to the fire and fertile ground for more extremists. The only way out looks like negotiations and the US and NATO may have to negotiate with the likes of Mullah Omar, the leader of Taliban. Hamid Karzai definitely cannot deliver. For the sake of peace in our part of the world and in the Middle East and Af-Pak-India region diplomacy may be the only way out. Military victory is out of the question when we don't know who the real enemy is as the Taliban has penetrated every region of Pakistan right up to the southern most city of Karachi.
In the Middle East we have to solve the Israel/Palestinian problem which is another major bone of contention. Israel also needs to realize that there is no military solution and their nuclear stockpile of weapons will be no deterrent. As a matter of fact, it will provide momentum to other Middle Eastern countries to acquire nuclear weapons and some of the former USSR states may be happy to oblige.
She is bragging about her new immigration law. Need I say more?
UPDATE: Thanks to Vicente Duque for providing this great link.
Three term senator form Utah, Bob Bennett, has been given the boot. His own party, the GOP, has said no to his candidacy. Or is it the Teabaggers who said no to Bob Bennett? So watch out other GOP candidates, Teabaggers are in charge and especially watch out moderate Republicans.
Click here to read the story.
Looks like no one. Brown, Cameron and Clegg are standing in front of 10 Downing Street and may be saying the following:
Brown, "Go in, mate".
Cameron, "You try, mate."
Clegg, "Wait you, brats."
Results so far:
UK - National seats at a glance
- Prediction
- 326 to win
Conservatives: 302 seats; +94
Labour: 255 seats; -88
Liberal Democrat: 56 seats; -5
Scottish National Party: 6 seats; no change
Plaid Cymru: 3 seats; +1
Others: 18 seats; -2
Source: BBC
In the end Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrats may hold the balance of power and decide.
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Recommend this postAccording to Gene Taylor of Mississippi there is nothing to worry about the B.P. Gulf Coast oil spill. He thinks oil is like chocolate milk and in due course it will take care of itself and break-up in small patches and disappear. I suppose scientists are worried about nothing for damage to marine life and other creatures such as birds. They have a lot of chocolate milk to enjoy. Fishermen who live off fishing have nothing to worry about, they will have plenty of chocolate milk. They will be in the business of chocolate milk for a long time to come.
How they elect these morons to congress is bewildering. To read the story about this clown click here.
While we are on that oil spill subject matter, some are suggesting that it is British Petroleum striking back at those responsible for the tea party. So the British are finally getting even.
Anyway no matter how you look at it, it is a frightening man-made disaster. I suppose the new slogan for McCain and Palin will be "Spill Baby Spill".
This guy can be in Canada but this one wants to be the Governor of Alabama, US. Rednecks are everywhere. We in Canada have been an officially bilingual country for a few decades now but some still say it is too expensive and let's make it English only. Luckily most of these people are in their 60s and 70s and once they pass on, maybe we will accept being bilingual.
Yes at times we get carried away. For instance requiring Supreme Court justices to be bilingual only as that rules out the talent from unilingual French or unilingual English. However in the long run bilingualism will prevail. As world is becoming a global village a reasonable accommodation is in order. However, official multi-lingualism is not a possibility in the near future. English-only types sometimes give the argument that if French is an official language then why not many other languages which are spoken especially in metropolitan areas like Toronto.
Democrats in the US are misleading the public on Healthcare reform. All that is needed is a chicken to barter for healthcare services from a doctor. It is a time-tested method according to Sue Lowden of Nevada – a US Senate Candidate. Americans have been so wrong about healthcare reform. They should have consulted Ms. Lowden all along and by now everyone would have affordable healthcare services. For more information watch the following video which puts more light on the issue. Video from Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC:
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