First let us take the case of William Calley. There is no question of him being a mass-murderer. He killed over 500 innocent women and children in the village of My Lai in Vietnam. He admitted to having done it. He was charged, tried and was never put in jail. He is and has been a hero for some Americans. Up to recently he showed no remorse. Now he says he is sorry and that he followed bad orders.
Now let us look at Abdel Magrahi of Libya and the Lockerbie bombing killing 243 passenger including 11 people on the ground. If the allegations against him are true then he is a very despicable individual. However, he has denied involvement to this day. Even Scottish authorities and some relatives of victims believe that there may be others who were involved. So there are some doubts about this man being guilty. I have no specific opinion on him being released. If it was done on purely humanitarian reasons then one feels respect for Scottish authorities and their humanitarianism. However if he was part of some oil and gas deal with Libya then you be the judge that how money rules the justice system and every other aspect of our lives.
Nonetheless the hypocrisy, especially that of the American administration, is remarkable. William Calley goes free and that is okay, however if Magrahi is let go because he is going to die within months anyway because of prostate cancer then it is a mockery of justice according to the FBI Director Robert Mueller. Similar views have been expressed by other high officials including Barack Obama. I believe that America must overcome its hypocrisy if it wants any respect in the world. As long there is such blatant hypocrisy and lack of equal respect for all human beings there will be no peace in this world and without peace we will continue to live in a horrible world.
Finally both massacres were hideous and both parties must be equally punished under international law or under civilized national laws.