Friday, December 31, 2010

Stephen Harper's Make-up


He should try Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff's make-up person.

Source: Getty Images/Huffington Post.

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Stephen Harper's Latest Hit

Not bad eh! Now if he only could learn how to govern.

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Stephen Harper: The Maestro

First he sang Beatles and now he is a band conductor. What is next for this man? Hollywood? Not a bad actor and he does a good job acting - acting to be a leader and acting to be a PM. It is all acting and nothing real.

This band conducting he did at Conservative caucus Christmas party in Ottawa on Dec. 8.

Source: CBC

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Dancing Penguin

He should be on the show Dancing with the Stars. I am sure he will do much better than Tom Delay.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

400,000 years old human tooth

Sorry! I could only find Conservative News Media video. Yikes. However, facts are as reported. Whether the age of this tooth is accurate, time will tell as scientists do more research.

Read the story here.

Update: 1.2 Million Year-old Tooth Found At Atapuerca, Spain. Beat that Israel. Story here

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Winter: Pulling your car out of snow

Winter is here. We in Atlantic Canada got our share of snow. If you get stuck in the snow here is a tip what not to do to pull your car out.

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Wonders of our World

Some amazing pictures.

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John Lennon: Christmas and War is over

Another Christmas has come and gone but the hideous wars are not over. Another year has gone and more wars. We humans are making a mess of this earth. We are destroying its bounties and destroying each other. Will humans extinguish themselves from existence? Chances are very good that we will.

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hugh Hefner is engaged

Hugh Hefner, 84, is engaged to his girlfriend Crystal Harris, 24, playmate of the year 2009. I will like to be best man at his wedding. He surely has created heaven for himself on this earth.

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Read the story here

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth

Spirit of any religion is to spread peace on earth. Wars are a result of politics and other human frailties.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Obama is a Muslim!

Quite a spoof by Keith Olbermann of MSNBC. I posted it in the past, however, it is worth posting again.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Stephen Harper’s Legacy: Parliament prorogued

"This is the time to recalibrate, consult and deliver the next stage of our plan that we outlined last year in Budget 2009." Dimitri Soudas, communications director for Prime Minister Stephen Harper – Parliament prorogued January to March 2010.

When the going gets tough, lock up and run.

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Air-Powered Car: Great news

All that hot air produced by politicians in Ottawa, Washington D.C. and around the globe is going to waste. Now there will be some use for it and actually may help protect the environment. We will call it hot-air-powered cars.

Read the story here.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Heathrow Airport – London and Mother Nature

We humans brag about the technological advances we have made including in the field of aviation. Bigger and better airplanes and state of the art airports. However, in the process of this advancement including the other industrial complexes we have messed up the earth’s environment. Earth has limited resources and we are over exploiting them. The result is climate change and that is why we have such erratic weather patterns.

California got a lot of snow before it turned into rain storms and floods. Atlantic Canada, in the middle of the winter, got major rain storms which resulted in erosion of roads, flooded homes, and destruction of bridges and partial washing away of coastal communities. All this is quite unusual.

Then there is Britain and the rest of Europe which is getting record snow; aviation has come to almost a standstill. Especially Heathrow Airport in London has become dysfunctional. Are we getting the picture that there is climate change?

Climate Change deniers sound like bigots who were against the abolition of slavery. These bigots said, at the time, that scientists were wrong that blacks can live at par with whites because according to these bigots blacks’ brains were underdeveloped, immature and cannot survive on their own. Now when it comes to climate change it is Déjà vu all over again – scientists are wrong again.

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Jimmy McMillan - The singing Santa

Remember this guy who ran for the Governorship of New York. His party’s name was “The Rent Is Too Damn High Party”. Now he is making an album singing as a Santa. He is indeed a funny fellow. What next? Maybe Vice-Presidential candidate on John Bolton’s ticket.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

South Carolina Celebrating secession

Some things never change. You would hope that a new generation will recognize the evilness of slavery but not so. Maybe South Carolina wants to revert back to the good old days of slavery. This is called the abuse of freedom of speech.

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From Countdown, MSNBC.

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John Bolton for President

Remember this crazy guy. He says he is seriously considering for a run for the president. Wow! My suggestion to Bolton is that he should consider Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck for the Vice. Sarah Palin will be good but she is not available as she is running herself - right now in Alaska in the wilderness.

Read more here. This site has such an appropriate name "".

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Julian Assange: MasterCard and others -SNL

Julian Assange strikes back -SNL's take on it.

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Afghanistan - Spreading Democracy or Corruption

Many of the problems that plagued the War in Iraq are cropping up with vengeance in Afghanistan. Like Iraq, Afghanistan is a quagmire (probably more so in the case of Afghanistan given that country's hilly terrain and tenacious guerilla fighters). Also like Iraq, there are serious problems with corrupt and abusive private contractors in Afghanistan.

This story in the Huffington Post highlights the problems with private contractors in Afghanistan, including appalling and immoral behaviour such as a company party where an Afghan teenage boy was hired to dance. Overall, drunken, naked dancing, use of prostitutes, and rude behaviour by employees is disrespectful to Afghan values and Afghan people - thus further increasing resenment towards the NATO forces.

Also, among the private contractors in Afghanistan is Xe Services, formerly the infamous Blackwater company that was responsible for egregious abuses in Iraq.

Why are the same mistakes being repeated? Why are these people in Afghanistan? Maybe it's time to give a rest to "nation-building" that does nothing more than create resentment and antagonism and spread corruption.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Google Body Browser

It is like Google search except in this case you can survey the human body. It is very interesting. Now imagine the complexity of human body and how it functions and the extraordinary software it contains. Then think about a human sperm and egg, invisible to a naked eye, containing all the software for a full-fledged human body –extraordinary programming.

Another interesting video:

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fox News: Dumb and Dumber

A study by the University of Maryland shows that Faux News makes its viewers misinformed and hence these viewers go from dumb to dumber. It is also known as Faux effect or Faux syndrome.

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Bill Clinton and Larry King (of CNN) are members of zipper club

It was the last show of Larry King on CNN when he made this proclamation. He is quite right as their zippers have been quite loose. King married 8 times and there are rumours of divorce from his current wife and Clinton has his share of loose zippers.

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From Chris Matthews, Harball, MSNBC

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

I am a dreamer

Quite a few times, I've had dreams that came true, that seemed to predict future events, which is unsual and always surprises me.

For example, a few days ago I dreamt that Stephen Harper was smoking a roll of grass; shortly after in the media there were reports about Harper being in bed with big tobacco companies.

Last night, I had another interesting dream. In this dream, I had an appointment to see Stephen Harper. However, at the same time, there was an election where he badly lost and was left with only a small number of seats. In the dream, Harper came out of his office and told me that he would see me shortly.

Something else about this dream, I had the feeling that the purpose of my visit was to tell Harper that I was sorry he took such a beating.

Is this dream a hint of something to happen to Stephen Harper and the Conservatives? Either that Harper will lose the confidence of his party, or lose the next election altogether?

The dream ended there, I never got to go into his office.

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Congressman-elect Alan West – censor or censure is the question

The art of speaking from both sides of the mouth.

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Keith Olbermann's worst person in the world.

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Pope’s entertainment

This is a good one. What do you think?

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From Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC.

Update: Here is a fuller version of the video for the Pope's entertainment.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

ACCESS DENIED: Air Force Reportedly Blocks New York Times, Other Sites Printing WikiLeaks-The Huffington Post

Why do we accuse China for censorship?

Read the story here.

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Michael Moore on Julian Assange

Michael Moore is a great human being and strongly believes in the freedom of speech. He contributed $20,000 towards the bail of Mr. Assange the head of Wikileaks. Keith Olbermann interviews Mr. Moore. Michael Moore puts it so well that I have nothing to add. Watch the video.

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Governor Brewer: The chief of death panels in Arizona

It is also John McCain’s state. Sarah Panel (or Palin) should visit the state to see Tea Baggers in action and how death panels work.

If Tea Baggers can help it they will let all the poor die so that the rich and ruling class can live happily ever after. Keith Olbermann interviews Mr. Douglas Gravagna of Arizona who needs a heart transplant and cannot get it because of Brewer’s cuts in health-spending.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chantal Hébert spoofed on This Hour Has 22 Minutes

It is called Chantal Noel. It is indeed very comical.

Watch the video here.

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Santa: What you may not know

It is hilarious. Santa and Satan – what is the association between the two.

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Merry Christmas.

Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC.

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How to clear the snow from your roof

Winter is here and a lot of snow is going to accumulate on the roofs. The following video may provide some tips as how to clear the roof. :)

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Keith Olbermann, Oddball, MSNBC.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bernie Sanders goes to Washington

Bernier Sanders' 8 hour speech summarized.

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As shown on The Rachel Maddow Show.

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Bernard Lord leader of the national Conservative Party?

Why should a failed politician in New Brunswick head the national party? He was basically a one term premier. His second term was a near-minority and he barely survived. He made a mess of things. He won in 1999 on the basis of removing tolls on NB highways which was a blunder, it cost the province millions per year and is part of the reason for NB’s current deficit crisis. NB could have given free passes to NBers and charged tolls to outsiders which would have brought a lot of revenue. Also there was the failed orimulsion oil deal with Venezuela that cost the province billions (a lot for a small province).

After Venezuela and all the blunders, who or where would Lord's power base come from? Moreover, the guy is a cry baby. I normally like Jim Travers’ commentaries, but here he is WAY OUT TO LUNCH! Read his commentary here.

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Bill Clinton in the Whitehouse Press Gallery

It was a first that a former president was invited to the W.H. Press Gallery. Barack Obama handed over the Press Gallery to Bill Clinton. Guess who else was there and the media missed? :) Yes Monica!

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Great Cartoons for LoL on a lazy Saturday

See more here.

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LoL Photographs

See more here.

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Bernie Madoff’s son commits suicide

It is a very sad story. Mark Madoff had all the money and conveniences of life and to end his life like that must be devastating for the family. Also these are some of the side-effects of greed and shows that money can’t buy happiness. Bernie Madoff swindled billions from clients/investors and is rotting in jail for the rest of his life. Why do we humans not learn from our blunders?

Read the story here.

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Ali Velshi of CNN feels relieved

Poor Ali Velshi! I think some staffer played a little game with him as he always looks so hyper, uptight and constipated.

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From Keith Olbermann,Countdown, MSNBC.

Update: YouTube video of Ali Velshi has become available and more fun stuff.

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Lighting: Some fascinating pictures

Berlin: A vendor for Christmas stars awaits customers Nov. 22 at the Christmas market on the Alexanderplatz in Berlin.

See more here.

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Don Cherry: The crazy, cranky old man

Cherry gives a crazy speech at newly elected neo-Con Mayor Rob Ford’s inauguration. Don Cherry needs duct tape for his mouth. Toronto had some very progressive Mayors like Art Eggleton and David Miller to name a few. David Crombie, who later was MP under Mulroney, was a Conservative but fairly progressive minded. I ran into David Crombie once and I was quite impressed. What were Torontonians thinking when they elected this clone of Don Cherry?

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Rumsfeld, Bush and Cheney joining Anna Ardin, Sofia Wilén of Sweden :)

Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are going to join the law suit with Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilén of Sweden. They should too as they were screwed as well. :)

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Luke Scott: Another birther

You would think that a healthy body results in a healthy mind but that is not always the case. This fellow is a sportsman and a baseball player and yet he is awashed in ignorance. Like Orley Tatz he also believes that Obama is not American - that Obama was born in Kenya and hence an alien. This is the nature of the Tea baggers – their head has been in the boiling water too long or whatever.

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Keith Olbermann’s “Worst Person in the World” and this one qualifies quite well.

Here is what Orly Taitz had to say about her new recruit,


Queen eh! :) It is getting more humorous by the day.
Read more here.

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Thursday, December 09, 2010

Christina Aguilera: Singing or striptease

I am posting this with some hesitation. However, what kind of singing is this?

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The 10 Most Overrated Things Of The Decade – The Huffington Post

Swine flue.

It includes atheism. Sounds right. Read the story and watch the slide show here.

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Did Chris Matthews’s guest fall asleep?

Looks that way. Does it not? :)
Actually I had to pause my TV for few seconds and I got this frame with Chris Matthew’s guest’s eyes closed.

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John Lennon: Imagine

One of the all times great song. My favourite song. It is so sad that his life was cut short so early.

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Stephen Harper does smoke grass

Harper loves smoking so much that increasing the size of warning on cigarettes has been halted by his government. Smoke your brain away who cares. Public health is secondary to tobacco companies’ profits. Read the story here.

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Congresswoman Candice Miller has WinkiLinks’s infection

Also known as foot-to-mouth disease. How do these dupes get elected?

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Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Elizabeth Edwards: A classy lady

I was very saddened by her death. She was a great human being, a great fighter and an iconic figure. She stood by her husband, John Edwards, despite his floundering ways. She only split from the man when it became too hard on her children after it became public that John Edwards had a child with another woman.

Keith Olbermann of MSNBC gives a fitting tribute to Ms. Edwards.

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Democracy: New and revolutionary idea?

According to a Teabagger Justin Philips of U.S only property owners should be able to vote. Knockout, eh! Why not limit to those whose income is at least one million dollars or more. These Teabaggers are tripping over each other to compete for the #1 spot for stupidity.

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Julian Assange’s accusers and their complaints

Anna Ardin
She did not mind the sex but “there was a problem with the condom - it had split.”

Oh my! Serious eh!

Sofia Wilén
She complained that "he paid more attention to the computer than to me".

Dammit! His computer was more important than her.

Wow! What a horrible crime! Sounds like CIA handiwork especially when a Swedish judge threw out the case as frivolous yet now it has become an international crime with Interpol, the British police and court system, and the Swedish police and court system involved.

Read more good stuff here.

And more here.

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Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Julian Assange: Not a perpetrator but a victim

I promised to say more about Julian Assange, so here it is. We complain about dictatorships in China, Russia, as well as the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, but is not the locking away of Assange authoritarian behaviour? This shows that we have dictatorship in the guise of democracy; the worst kind of dictatorship as it is shrouded in hypocrisy.

The United States and other governments claim that it is a security issue, but do memos stating that Sarkozy is arrogant or Berlusconi incompetent a threat to troops or national security? This is pure nonsense. It is governments being secretive and controlling the flow of information.

When Assange's Wikileaks site exposed documents related to corruption in Kenya, he was applauded for it and received an award from Amnesty International. Though if it is a superpower that is exposed, like the United States, then Assange is a criminal who is silenced and locked away. It is not justice and rule of law that reigns, but rather brute force.

The sex crimes allegations against Assange are a ruse. The link here is from a well-known feminist who says that if the criteria used by Interpol against Assange are applied generally, then more than one million men in the United States should be seized by Interpol. Basically any man who has shown some insensitivity towards a woman (for example has cheated on a girlfriend or something else along those lines) is a perpetrator of sex crimes and should be imprisoned.

Julian Assange it seems has a lot of girlfriends, but that’s about it. The sex crimes allegations are an attempt to tarnish Assange’s reputation and silence him. Is this democracy?

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Glenn Beck: Muslims want violent revolution in America

I thought it was Tea-Baggers who wanted violent revolution in America and Beck is the spokesperson of Tea-Baggers and head of Tea-Baggers. Is he forgetting all those gun-toting Tea-Baggers? It looks his head is in the tea bag and his judgment is adversely affected. He also says 10% of Muslims are terrorists. Oh my! How come George Bush and family are welded and wedded to Saudis. I suppose their oil is sweet although a lot of Saudi oil money is spent on Al-Qaeda according to many reports – in others words Americans are indirectly funding Al-Qaeda. Hey Beck what you have to say about that?

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Sarah Palin For President 2012?

It is a horrible scene. Why did they have to show it on T.V.? Poor Caribou. He was minding his own business and to show it being shot dead in this manner is disgusting. Now this woman wants to be the president of U.S. Yeah she will be good at shooting including her mouth. What else Americans should expect from her? Exploding nukes around the world?

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Julian Fantino: Does he want to abolish the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

It is simply unbelievable and utterly disgusting the way Mr. Fantino, newly elected MP from Toronto area, disparaged the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I heard him on CBC saying that the Charter got in his when he was police chief. Too bad for Fantino as the Charter is not that easy to abolish or even amend. Does this man want to turn Canada into a police state?

What were his constituents thinking when they elected this man as their MP. There should be a way to recall this man. We sure don’t need people like him in Parliament. If Harper has any respect for Canadian values then he must kick this man out of the Conservative caucus. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects individuals from governments and violation of rights by government agencies and protects individual basic rights in general. Fantino gives the impression that police should have the final word on individual rights – a police state.

Mr. Fantino, I have news for you, Canadians do believe in individual rights and protection of these rights and they will like to Forget You and get rid of you as an MP.

Read a story on him here.

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Julian Assange founder of WikiLeaks arrested by British police

As reported by MSNBC

Big Brother got to him. I may be writing more on this at a later time.

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Monday, December 06, 2010

Lest we forget

Lessons from history.

To see some other interesting pictures click here.

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Greed and Human Misery

Trickle down economics.

More examples of human greed and resulting misery. It is not a pretty picture. It is capitalism at its worse. As long as Repugs,Tea baggers and profiteers in the U.S and the world prevail it is only going to get worse.

Read the story here.

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Bush & Cheney’s Fireworks and Destruction

The post on Orangutans, I did, inspired me to write this post and do a video. Greed is a very strong human emotion and if let loose we humans will succeed to destroy life on this planet. This greed and profiteering has gripped the world too long. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars were for resources more than anything else. The Iraq invasion was for Iraqi oil and the Afghan invasion was for building gas pipelines from the former USSR to bring the natural gas to a port in the Indian Ocean and then ship it to the markets of the world. Greed and profiteering. Add modern weaponry including nukes and we might destroy ourselves long before this planet’s natural death or for that matter through global warming. Global warming is also the result of human greed and profiteering in action.

The Iraq war alone has cost over a trillion dollars to U.S taxpayers so that a few wealthy individuals could profit. According to many estimates more than one million Iraqis have died as a result of this war. 2 million plus Iraqis are refugees in neighbouring countries and the vast majority of remaining Iraqis live in poverty and squalor. There are no achievements to be shown other than a few oil companies and their pals profiting. We need to loosen this grip of greed and profiteering in the world if we wish to survive.

WikiLeaks has revealed some of the atrocities in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The buzz word used by those in power is that WikiLeaks is endangering the lives of soldiers. Not so. The only lives it may endanger are the corrupt leaders in the world. Transparency will help reduce this reign of greed and profiteering and reduce the chances of war. In fact it will save many lives of soldiers. The rest is propaganda by the profiteering who are puppeteering the politicians quite often.

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Sunday, December 05, 2010

Orangutans brutally killed in Indonesia

A very sad picture and story.

Climate change and deforestation is deadly on orangutans in Indonesia.

Read the full story here.

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Stephen Harper as a leader

Mr. Harper Canadians will like to Forget You come next election. That is how popular you are as a leader.

Economy, Afghanistan war and the state of democracy are all a mess. Harper is so transparent that Canadians should be able to see through him by now.

Update: "Forget You" (F*** You)— Cee Lo Green is nominated for a Grammy Award for record of the year. I knew nothing about Cee Lo Green before and I saw the news on CNN and felt it would be a fitting song for our grand leader.

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Saturday, December 04, 2010

Julian Assange: Upholder of Freedom of Speech

Julian Assange is somewhat an enigmatic character and, especially with secretive governments embarrassed over the latest round of Wikileaks, every attempt is being made to assassinate his character, including allegations of unconsensual sex which I think are in all likelihood entirely made up.

Reading about Assange on Wikipedia (no relation to Wikileaks), he comes off as a very sincere and idealistic person. He wants protection of journalists and free speech as well as governments to be more open. To that end, he's put himself at great personal risk. From Wikipedia, Assange is quoted as saying, "the more secretive or unjust an organisation is, the more leaks induce fear and paranoia in its leadership and planning coterie… Since unjust systems, by their nature induce opponents, and in many places barely have the upper hand, mass leaking leaves them exquisitely vulnerable to those who seek to replace them with more open forms of governance."

His aim is to expose injustices, expose the hypocrisy of those in the highest echelons of power. He is equal opportunity in this regard, the latest round of Wikileaks documents expose leaders of Islamic countries (including Saudi Arabia) who claim to uphold Islamic values in their countries, but once outside engage in behaviour such as drinking alcohol and patronizing escort services that are forbidden in Islam. He has exposed an American government that hides realpolitik tactics such as spying on the UN leadership.

Assange and Wikileaks have made it harder for governments to pull the wool over the eyes of their citizens, which is no doubt the reason for the backlash on the part of these governments.

Before the current controversy over the leaked diplomatic cabals, Assange's site Wikileaks was the recipient of three journalistic awards including one from Amnesty International. He has been called the "internet's freedom fighter", something that I think is very fitting. In July 2010 Assange made a surprise appearance for a TED Q&A session, the video below is a bit a long, but worth watching to learn the truth about the much-maligned Julian Assange.

Update: A great story on Mr. Assange in The Huffington Post.

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Stephen Harper: Does he smoke grass?

I had a strange dream the other night. I was walking on a sidewalk and a few feet away is Stephen Harper with his assistant walking towards me. I thought he was smoking a cigarette but as he came closer it looked like grass in his mouth. We chatted for a short while – the small talk - and we went on our ways. What is the meaning of this dream? Does Harper smoke grass or is he a dope-head who makes dope-headed decisions? For example he decided to extend the Afghanistan mission without giving Parliament an opportunity to discuss it and put it to a vote. This dream is puzzling me.

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Santa Claus’s new employees

There are serious economic problems and unemployment that even Santa can’t retain his regular reindeers. So he asked public for help and he is going to get brand new reindeers. Here is one example.

See more here.

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Friday, December 03, 2010

Ralph Goodale for the Liberal Leadership

The other day I was watching Parliament’s Question Period. Ralph Goodale was standing in for Michael Ignatieff who was absent. Watching QP it occurred to me, why isn’t Ralph Goodale leader of the Liberal Party? He’s articulate, presents himself well, and knows both government and the Liberal Party well, as a longtime MP and having served in Cabinet.

Goodale has a certain common-touch, he looks like someone you’d meet at the local Tim Hortons. Also, being an MP from Western Canada where the Liberals are not that strong, he could potentially bring significant gains for the party in that region. Furthermore, he’s shown that he can work with different leaders having served in senior posts under Paul Martin, Stephane Dion, and Michael Ignatieff.

Ignatieff has not been performing well in the polls or in the public arena. After the next election – whenever that may be – I have a strong feeling that the Liberals could be in for another leadership race. I hope, in such a situation, that Goodale is given serious consideration.

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Dick Cheney to be indicted

It is about time. He will be indicted in Nigeria for fraud concerning his dealings when he was boss of Halliburton. If nothing else he will think twice about his plans to travel internationally. His boss (or pupil)George W. Bush is in a similar dilemma as he could be arrested for war crimes in Vermont, U.S or if he travels outside the U.S.

Read the story here

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New Ideas for Fuel efficiency

From the area of the world which is rich in oil.;)

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Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC.

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Keith Olbermann’s take on NASA’s Extra-Terrestrial life

It is quite hilarious but also quite informative when Keith Olbermann interviews a scientist named Derrick Pitts.

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Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC.

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Thursday, December 02, 2010


Life may continue to exist in some form on earth even after life, as we know it, goes extinct. Fascinating story.

Read the story here.

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U.S House of Representatives in action or inaction

This is an interesting video as Congressman Steve Buyer flips out. The story in Huffington Post.

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JTF2: Does Canada have its own Abu Ghraib?

Or worse. Last night on CBC, December 2, 2010, there was a very disturbing story on JTF2 special Canadian military force who could be guilty of war crimes. According to the report the force killed innocent civilians and an unarmed man. This does not look good and adds to the transgressions of abuse of Afghan detainees and detainees who were juvenile. It is a sad chapter in our history.

Watch the video here.

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WikiLeaks: This time on Russia

It turns out that Vladimir Putin is more like a Stalin dictator than a democratic leader. Nothing new about that but it is interesting the way WikiLeaks characterizes Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin as Robin and Batman - “Medvedev plays Robin to Putin's Batman".

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Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Matt Lauer of NBC loses it over the size of packages

And he was not thinking about food or Christmas gifts. He was looking straight at the lady sitting across from him.

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Read the story at Huffington Post.

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My Favourites

What do you think?

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Premier Danny Williams resignation Mark Critch of CBC very unhappy

Poor Critch. I fully understand. I was upset when Bush left Whitehouse for the same reasons.
It is indeed hilarious.

From This Hour Has 22 Minutes, CBC

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George W. Bush and Vladimir Putin: Size matters

Bush told Harper that Putin told him that his dog was bigger, stronger, and faster. Harper’s response to Bush was “You’re lucky he only showed you his dog.” What else these boys have been comparing? They surely need adult supervision.

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Breaking News: Michael Ignatieff-new Foreign Affairs Minister under Harper?

Okay kidding. But there was a vote in Parliament on a Bloc motion on the Afghanistan mission. The Bloc motion required that the Government must put the Afghanistan mission extension to a vote in the Parliament. NDP voted with the Bloc but Michael Ignatieff and the Liberals solidly voted with the government. There was a panel discussion on Power & Politics of CBC and Tom Flanagan of the University of Calgary quipped that Ignatieff would make a great Foreign Affairs minister under Harper. By golly I totally agree with Mr. Flanagan on this one. There is a possibility that Peter Mackay may leave the Harper cabinet and who is best to step in since Ignatieff not only agrees with Harper but is a step ahead of him for supporting the Afghanistan war, mission extension and in the past supporting the Iraq war when he was an American.

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Keith Olbermann’s worst person in the World

It is a good one. Glenn Beck is gone communist and follower of Vladimir Lenin – the Russian Marxist revolutionary. Lenin indeed was a great revolutionary. Wow! There is some progress for Glenn Beck.

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Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC.

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