Let me first say that it is unfortunate that Mr. Bahari was arrested in Iran for no obvious reasons and imprisoned and tortured as he says. It is wrong and Iranians should be made accountable for it. It is good that he is back with his family and newly born child.
However, why are media in the U.S making so much fuss about Bahari? That Fareed Zakaria guy goes on and on. Mr. Bahari was on Zakaria's show on the previous Sunday and he repeated his interview this Sunday; constantly chastising Iran and telling the world how barbaric he thinks Iranians are. I think this Zakaria is full of hot air. What about the torture of Iraqis and Afghanis in their own country in full view of occupying U.S forces? Bush and his poodles Harper of Canada and Blair of Britain were in cahoots with each other and they carried out this war in the name of God. What kind of God is He that blesses the actions of Bush, Blair and Harper and does nothing about Iraqis and Afghanis? No wonder people feel so cynical about religion. Are Iraqis and Afghanis not humans? Does the rest of humanity not matter? The stupidity of humans at the highest levels of society is breath taking.
As far Zakaria is concerned, maybe he wants to please his bosses at CNN. He should take his butts out of his cocoon and go to Iraq and Afghanistan to interview detainees there who were tortured. Are we in Canada and US not equally barbarian that we are letting it happen? He must go to Iraq and Afghanistan and interview those whose loved ones have been murdered in front of their eyes and have been tortured too. What happened to "all humans are created equal" since Bush, Harper and Tony Blair are so religious and worshippers of God.
The best way U.S., Canada and Europe can influence the rest of the world is through example and NOT through brutality, murder and mayhem. As far as Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Stephen Harper and Tony Blair are concerned they may think that they are more evolved than rest of the humanity but in reality they are nothing more than a bunch of buffoons, and dangerous ones at that.