Father Coughlin
It surely is not a new movement. Although it might have not been called Tea Party some of the early leading figures of this kind of ideology include Father Coughlin, Billy James Hargis , Joe McCarthy and Barry Goldwater. Last night Christ Matthews had a documentary on the Rise of the New Right. I could not find the exact video but views of Father Coughlin and Billy James Hargis were pointed out which have similarities to some of today’s Tea Party leaders. As Professor Allan Lichtman of American University highlights the main views of Father Coughlin,
“Father Coughlin had two main messages. One was an economic message, that we needed a more populist approach to economics, but his other message was highly anti-Semitic and highly authoritarian that a conspiracy of international bankers to great extent led by Jews were responsible for the Great Depression, were responsible for the continuation of hard times and that may be Adolf Hitler and Germany had some right ideas.” Allan Lichtman
We should not underestimate the Tea Party and better watch out for them. It is an old evil of racism and bigotry which is raising its ugly head. Especially the election of Barack Obama to the presidency has enraged the red-neck bigots and it is leading to no good. The birthers like Orly Taitz and their ilk are really stirring up the pot by spreading hatred.
You can watch Christ Matthews’s videos here. Recommend this post
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