Sunday, February 22, 2009

Leader of the Liberal Party energized

All he wants to do is become Prime Minister and he is all set for that. The only problem is that someone needs to wind him up every so often and then he acts in sync with whosoever last did the winding. Right now it looks that he is being toyed with by the wrong people/kids. It is a dilemma, what is one supposed to do? Maybe brand new batteries and new kids for his maintenance, kids who have some morals and care about fellow human beings and the environment. Too many wasted batteries can be bad for the environment, you know.

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  1. I think you should have added a red scarf, or a red tie or the red sweater he wore for Rick Mercer move in show on CBC.

  2. He has a red light. However I will remember that for the next robot of him if I did one. :)

  3. When I saw the word "energized", all I could think of was the Energizer Bunny :)

  4. Big Winnie, nooo, he uses Duracell. :)

  5. where's the blue light? It was very funny.

  6. janfromthebruce, right now he thinks he got the green lights. And that is all he cares :)

  7. yes jan, but not Green green.

  8. Traffic light green. It can cause collisions too, you know.
