After listening to the speech by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) on impeaching George W. Bush, I feel strongly that Bush and his cronies belong in a secured place where they can no longer harm anyone. With the way they lied to the American people, with the murder and mayhem they unleashed on Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, there is no doubt they are a grave danger to society and to the World.
Over 4,100 American soldiers are dead (not to mention dead soldiers from allied countries), tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of Iraqis are dead - the majority of whom were innocent women, children, and ordinary citizens. Millions of other Iraqis were displaced and many live in deplorable conditions.
The same goes for the suffering in Afghanistan. Bush and his regime have committed abhorrent crimes against humanity and must be punished.
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Kucinich is right. The tragedy is that he stands virtually alone. The case for impeachment is strong, beginning with lying the country into a war of aggression (itself a war crime) and flowing through the unconstitutional usurpation of congressional powers to unlawful breaches of the 4th amendment, suspension of habeus corpus and on and on and on.
ReplyDeleteWhat few realize is the importance of this impeachment for America's future. Already we're hearing McCain advisors openly declare that he'll follow the Bush precedent or misappropriating powers to the executive branch.
Bush and Cheney both ought to be impeached but a feckless Dem leadership (Reid/Pelosi) lack the courage to defend the American constitution. Sickening.
MoS, thank you for your comment. I think you nailed it when you said there is no political will on the part of the Democratic leadership.
ReplyDeleteBush, Cheney and thier cronies have committed serious crimes -- both against the US Constitution and against humanity.