Outside the Oval Office he looks around to make sure that no one is looking and then he rushes in and says his Muslim Prayer. Caught by a special camera.:)
Where would these Tea Partiers/Tea Baggers will stop. First it was a controversy about Rev.Jeremiah Wright of the United Church who was Obama’s spiritual guide for 20years because Rev. Wright is alleged to have said “…not God Bless America. God damn America” therefore he was un-American. So for 20 years Obama was Christian but guided by a “bad” pastor. Then he was not born in US, this notion was led by crazy woman Orly Taitz, and now he is a Muslim. These morons are not only causing problems through fear mongering but they are insulting 1.7 billion Muslims as according to them being Muslim is intrinsically bad. More recently the outrage about the proposed Islamic Centre/Mosque in NYC. When will Americans catch on to their craziness. Recommend this post
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