Yes, he is a complete doormat to Stephen Harper. They were made for each other.
Iggy's caving in is not only regrettable but also breaking the trust with NDP and BQ, which is even more deplorable. Can he ask them for support ever again? I do not think so. Very prominent and elder statesmen like Jean Chretien and Ed Broadbent helped shape the coalition deal. All this went out of the window now thanks to Iggy.
Justifications are being given that the majority of Canadians supported the budget. Hey Iggy, did you provide an alternative? Instead of working with other opposition leaders he chose to be a doormat to Stephen Harper. I am not an NDPer and I definitely do not support the BQ’s position on separation, but the deal was made in good faith and that good faith has now been violated. If fellow Parliamentarians can no longer trust Iggy, then how can Canadians trust him?
Iggy is good at wielding a knife. He knifed Dion in the back to get appointed as leader and then he knifed the coalition deal because he wanted power on his terms only, no sharing with anyone. The Coalition was the only fair hope to get rid of Harper government at this time.
Now, Iggy's knife wielding became so good that he has thrust one into his own chest. Good for you Iggy.
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