Is this telepathy, or does Harper have new speechwriters... in particular, are these new speechwriters the same as McCain's? Up to recently, it used to be Bush speechwriters for Harper. Maybe now they share them and the source is still the Oval Office and Bush.
Yesterday when the Dow Jones plunged over 500 points, McCain said "All the fundamentals of the economy are strong." Simultaneously, the plunge happened in the Toronto Stock Exchange and Harper exactly repeated, "All the fundamentals of the economy are strong." This is quite freakish. It looks that the economy in both the US and Canada has taken a serious downturn thanks to Bushonomics. Where is it all going to end? Americans do not trust Bush anymore. How are Canadians to react to Harperomics whose main feed is Bushonomics? Fasten your seat belts, a rough economic ride is probably ahead.
What's even better, today shockingly ashen McCain appears on all the major networks pleading to voters that he understands the economy is in crisis.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, Harper is in front of the cameras explaining he understands the Canadian economy has problems.
Heck, I give Harper kudos for not screaming crisis as McCain did. But clearly the same pollsters and analysts for their joint campaign are running the show.
And they call that "leadership"?
It must be a stock Conservative talking point. They probably have a "What to Say" handbook with statements to address issues on different topics: Economics, Environment, Health Care, etc. ;)
ReplyDeleteNice try dude... Harper's been using that line for weeks already.
ReplyDeleteIf anything McCain got it from Harper. Maybe McCain saw the polls, saw how badly we're kicking the Liberal's butts, and decided to try the line on Obama, since it's working so well for us.
Josehph, thank you for the info. Quite interesting.
ReplyDeletePenlan, seems like it. They have same talking points.
Christian Conservative, McCain first used that line in February or March and then recently. Sorry but it looks Harper is parroting it. In the past he said, “ You’re either with us or against us.." re: Afghanistan war which he was parroting Bush verbatim. Like it or not he is a Bush mouthpiece.