On Tuesday, watching the US election coverage of the final primaries was exciting. I had the chance to watch, before my eyes, history unfolding. For the first time in American history, an African-American became the nominee of a major American political party (and he is likely the favoured frontrunner for the Presidency as the shadow of Bush's unpopularity is cast over McCain).
This is also the first time in modern history that someone of non-European descent is leading a major political party in a Western country.
Obama clinching the Democratic nomination is amazing considering that, a little more than four decades ago, African-Americans were fighting for the most basic of rights -- the right to go to the same universities and schools, to sit at the front of the bus, to drink at the same water fountains, and for equal voting rights. Four decades is within the lifetimes of most North Americans, including within the lifetime of Barack Obama himself who was born in 1961. Obama's nomination is thus a monumental step forward.
For Americans, this is a moment where they can be truly proud of their democracy, they have made true the notion that anyone – regardless of ethnicity or class background – can become President. Obama’s own background is humble and his father was a foreign student from Kenya, so for Obama to be on track to the Whitehouse is truly an extraordinary achievement.
The whole World is watching this Presidential race, and in countries from Kenya to Germany to Canada, Obama’s candidacy has generated great excitement, and great energy.
If Obama becomes President, America will provide a wonderful example to the World of democracy in action, a much better example than Bush’s cowboy diplomacy of militarism and war. Obama’s preference for diplomacy rather than confrontation will be a welcome change from Bush’s disastrous and militaristic foreign policy. We have been embroiled in destructive wars for too long, and it’s about time that we start working towards peace in the World, for our sake and for the sake of future generations.
Overall, Barack Obama has run an amazing campaign, he's inspired and energized youth and restored faith in the American system. Obama went from being a longshot candidate for the Presidency to defeating one of the most powerful political machines in modern American politics, the Clintons.
If Obama can defeat Bill and Hillary Clinton, then no doubt he will make easy work of John McCain who doesn't have the enthusiastic backing of his party and who is campaigning under the dark cloud of Bush's unpopular Presidency.
I believe that Barack Obama has the potential to be a great President, and to go down in history with other great Presidents. We are truly witnessing a powerful moment in history.
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