Monday, June 21, 2010

Julie Couillard and Maxime Bernier

Remember the Julie Couillard and Maxime Bernier romance which ended Bernier’s political life – at least the rising political star fell flat. However, Julie Couillard got a boost to her career after the notoriety and managed to write a book “My Story (or Mon histoire)” and probably made good money from it. Now enjoy the video of my past animation.

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  1. Video is not working...message something like: UMG content no longer available in this country.

    Julie Couillard actually had a brief stint on Wednesday mornings' Gang of 4 show with Tommy Schnurmacher and others on CJAD.

    One has to wonder how that relationship lasted: she isn't nearly as far to the right as Ex-lax Max is. In fact, I think that may well be what got her dismissed from the show.

  2. CK, I had no problem playing the video, however, I have slightly changed the format. I hope you will be able to watch it now.
