Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Michael Ignatieff has put Harper on probation???

Oh really? It looks like that Harper has Iggy on a leash. Iggy made a big fuss about that $3 billion stimulus money and that he needs details how every penny will be spent otherwise he would not vote for it. What happened? On Tuesday March 24th, Iggy and company voted for it without any details. Iggy is becoming a bigger and bigger joke. Where is this road taking us? Any ideas?


  1. Anonymous12:32 pm

    Next elections will likely be a Liberal minority.
    Really sucks.

    But yes, Iggy is a hypocrite of the first order.

  2. If they form a coalition with NDP it might work. Iggy might learn something.

    I am not an NDPer but a balance is needed given Iggy as a leader.

  3. Yes! Yes! Coalition is the way.Maybe the only way, but they need to be UPFRONT about it and educate the electorate.

  4. ps. LeDaro: that is the best presentation I have seen of Stephen Harper. Bully Boy!

  5. Oemissions, thank you.
