Wednesday, March 25, 2009

George Galloway banned from Canada

We are becoming a joke for the world. George Galloway is a terrorist? Now let us look at the other terrorists by that definition (ie. of having met with "terrorists").

Tony Blair: He recently met with Hamas leaders to work out some resolution to the Israel/Palestinian situation. Should be banned from Canada according to Mr. Meir Weinstein Leader of Jewish Defence League in Canada.

Jimmy Carter: He met with the Hamas leader last fall. Terrorist, and should be banned according to Weinstein's definition.

Dick Cheney: He met with Saddam Hussien during 1980s thanking him for fighting with Iran and encouraging him. A terrorist (he probably is the way Iraqis are being terrorized now) and must be banned from Canada.

These are some of the prominent people who Weinstein should get banned if he is to be consistent. Is Weinstein running Canada? What the hell is going on. As you see in the video he also makes all kinds of threats to those who would help Mr. Galloway in any way to come to Canada or assist in any way to covey his message to Canadians on the Afghanistan war. Harper has turned Canada into a joke and an agent of fundamentalists. Iggy is only too happy to help Harper and the JDL in this regard. Can you believe all this?

Robbing Canadians of freedom of speech I think Mr. Harper, Mr. Ignatieff and Mr. Weinstein should be banned from Canada. They truly are a danger to Canadian democracy.

Then there is this Alykhan Velshi, an assistant to Jason Kenney Minister of Immigration, who also called Galloway a terrorist. This guy is a moron and should join his brother Ali Velshi at CNN and then both can predict gloom and doom for the world.


  1. This is a little off topic, but how come the Israelis aren't clamouring for a Sikh homeland carved out of India.

  2. SD, I am not sure I understand your question.

  3. In theory, every religious group should have their own homeland. If the Jews can have a homeland called Israel, should they also be advocating for a Sikh homeland? I do believe that Israel has good relations with India. I doubt Israel will advocate for the Sikhs.

  4. SD,

    Thank you for explaining. My knowledge of Sikh situation is not good.

    Israel will of course consider Sikhs as terrorists in compliance with the Indian official position. Religion only applies to Israel ;)

    Israel should be careful though because current Prime Minister of India is a Sikh himself. That will never happen in Israel that a Palestinian will become Prime Minister.
