Monday, January 19, 2009

Warren Kinsella-Rove

Is that not the full name? I cannot tell difference between the two. Can you? They both like to play with their little toys in their "war rooms" and both like dirty tricks. Also both like to sue and to get sued.

Both are totally self-absorbed and seek publicity no matter what it takes. Surely Warren Kinsella is a drone sent to Canada by Karl Rove.


  1. Anonymous12:09 pm

    I think that you are being insulting towards Rove, Kinsella is just not that clever...

  2. In my defence, I did say drone - pilotless. ;)

    You're right.

  3. Be careful LeDaro. Kinsella does sue a lot & as far as I know always wins.

    I don`t want to see you getting sued by him. Just a friendly heads up. :)

  4. Ditto to what Penlan said. The picture sure does have a cool Dorian Gray look to it.

  5. penlan and northwestern_lad, thank you for the warning and I believe you.

    However, he will be giving me lots and lots of publicity and imagine what it will do for the Liberal party. If he does that he will prove himself to be a bigger drone - pilotless and remote-controlled.

    Then I will consider start putting ads on my blog.

    I do appreciate your warning, though.

  6. Anonymous2:33 pm

    Speaking of lawsuits, has Jason "blows dead bears" Cherniak served you with papers? He seemed to be hinting at that.

    LeDaro, I would not want to do see you on this:

    Of course seeing the "Gomery Commission" in there only serve to show that he does take certain things personally. Maybe he's pissed that Martin did not want to give him a "reach-around".

    It's funny that Kinsella who seemed to take delight in public Liberal in-fighting when Martin was at the helm is likely not happy with bad-mouthing Iggy the ignorant...

  7. Cherniak_WTF, as usual good stuff from you. Thanks for the link. I love this one:

    "10.Ezra Levant - Begs for crucifixion, then complains about the view. A porcine hypocrite. Doesn't have a job, is disliked by every normal person on Earth. Being sued for libel in countless actions; under conduct review by the Alberta Law Society; fired from the Calgary Sun, Stockwell Day's office, and would be screwed without Daddy's money. Closely resembles Newman, but is less intelligent."

    No, still waiting for the papers from Cherniak. May be he has converted into a good guy - Cherniak WTF.

    Not fair. When I click for your webpage it takes me to LiberalsOnLine.

  8. How dare he compare Levant to Newman. ;)

  9. Is that Paul or Don? Newman that is.

  10. Or Peter? On Global National?

  11. I think he is referring to Newman in Seinfeld. The funny guy who looks like Levant somewhat.

  12. Anonymous3:26 pm

    Not fair. When I click for your webpage it takes me to LiberalsOnLine.
    I was going to send it to some off-the-wall website but I figure why not send traffic over to James...

  13. More excuses friend. I will say no more. But you will be a great addition to the blogging world.
