Monday, January 19, 2009

Bill O’Reilly: the Zoo Creature of Faux News

Talking about bonkers, this O'Reilly guy of Faux News is a jackass. He was talking about the security at the inauguration of President-elect Obama and that it may scare some people away, then he barked out "it is a zoo, no thank you I have been to enough zoos." (Not an exact quote but primarily that is what he said). I do not think it is the security which was bothering him, he seemed to be pissed that a black guy was going to be sworn in as a President.

Then he was interviewing Al Sharpton of the NAACP and got little upset with him. He told him that they (blacks) should stop complaining about discrimination as one of them was now going to be President. He also said that Bush was a great president and that Al Sharpton was being too unkind to him. He added that Al Sharpton must be thankful for the achievements of Bush including his great contributions to the well-being of "coloured people" in the US and Africa. He added that Bush did more for Africa and "coloured people" in general than any other President in the history of the United States. "Coloured people?" Would you not include Iraqis and Afghanis amongst "coloured people" – yes Bush killed over a hundred thousand of them and made millions homeless in their own countries or refugees in neighbouring countries. And of course using the term "coloured people", does not O'Reilly realize that its 2009 now?

Maybe Bush should ask O'Reilly to write his Bio. O'Reilly confirmed his image of being a complete jackass.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. (that was my deletion above)

    O'Reilly's illusions are pretty far out there. Perhaps he will bring us all a souvenir when/if he returns from Mars.

  3. I will not keep my hopes up. His chances of coming back are few and far between - nil in other words.

  4. O'Reilly is an asshole. In one of his rants, he more or less urged al-qaeda to blow up Coit Towers. I beleive Media Matters still has the audio. How patriotic these wingnuts are!
