I have repeatedly said on this blog that Sarah Palin was not qualified to be Vice President, much less President. The Obama-Biden ticket offered the most credible policies for America and I am glad they won.
That being said however, I must take issue with some of the comments coming from McCain staffers expressing discontent at Sarah Palin, and attacking her on her personality and her lack of knowledge on basic issues. First, these staffers were the ones who picked her in the first place, any lack of knowledge on her part should have been part of a proper vetting process. Second, despite Palin's shortcomings, she worked her heart out for the campaign and for John McCain. She tried her best to compensate for her lack of preparation for the national stage. And third, the election is over. She should be left alone rather than be the subject of such backbiting. Palin has gone back to her corner of the country, Alaska. The McCain people should not try to pin thier own failings on her. Their handling of the campaign was just as much, if not more so, responsible for the loss than anything that Sarah Palin did.
These are just a few of my thoughts on this matter. You can watch the video below for a good commentary on this by CNN's Campbell Brown:
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