Sunday, November 09, 2008

No Walls Left Behind

You must have heard of "no child left behind" – Bush’s failed program for the education of children. Stephen Harper has a new program, "no walls left behind" as he wants to put children as young as 14 years old, who break the law, behind the walls of prison. You know what prisons are for such children – crime universities. They go there as children and come out as full fledged hardened criminals. In prison they find the company of the likes of Austrian Josef Fritzl who imprisoned his own daughter for 24 years, raped her repeatedly and had children with her.

Mr. Harper wants to throw out all the research of decades which states that prison for children does not reduce crime. You have to look at the history of these children. What kind of childhood they had. Maybe they had no supervison of parents or they had abusive parents and grew up being bitter and struck back at the society. Now all the research shows that such children need help and rehabilitation and not prison. Prison will further lead them into more crimes when they graduate from the university of crime.

Now it makes sense that CONS are so vehemently opposed to pro-choice. They want to ensure that children must come into this world no matter what the circumstances, no matter how endangered a mother's life is or that she was raped. And no matter what kind of social environment they will be brought into. The CONS need to populate these prisons or send them into illegal wars. CON philosophy is that let them come into this world. What happens to them after birth is their problem.


  1. And think of all those walls that will need building. I bet Harper has corporate friends salivating at the opportunity. If we don't watch it, it won't be long before we have private prisons like the good old US of A.

  2. Beijing York, thank you for your comment.

    You're so right.
