Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Rob Ford on Jimmy Kimmel

Part of Jimmy Kimmel's interview of Rob Ford:

 A lot of people on twitter were saying that Jimmy Kimmel, a comedian, asked the questions Peter Mansbridge wouldn't, that it was one of the most hard-hitting interviews of Ford. Kimmel directly confronted Ford on his domestic abuse charges and drug use. Ford in all this seemed out of it, was cringe-worthy to watch. It can't have been a good night for Ford, with a headline like "Rob Ford Ridiculed on Jimmy Kimmel Live" on the CBC. After, just to show what a joke Ford is, Gonzo the Great - who followed him (for real) - said he felt like Rob Ford when asked about his chicken fetish, and then noticed the puddle of Rob Ford's sweat that was left behind from the previous interview (it was nice of Kimmel, earlier, to dab Rob Ford's sweaty brow).

 Update: Here is the complete interview. It is quite funny:



  1. I remember, LD, when Mansbridge did that interview with the Fords; the announcer said something like this: Stay tuned for a hard-hitting interview from our chief correspondent, Peter Mansbridge, who asks the tough questions.

    The announcer must have been referring to some other interview.

  2. Lorne, Mansbridge probably had conflict of interest. :)

    Objective reporting in Canada is a dying breed if it is not already not dead.

  3. What a tragedy we lost Barbara Frum at the height of her career. She would have asked the tough questions.

    I did not watch the Kimmel clips, I am just too embarrassed when Ford opens his mouth, especially outside Ontario!

  4. Elliott Taylor,he is embarrassing alright. But some Torontonians still like him which is bizarre.
