Monday, February 03, 2014

Frucking fracking commercial and danger to environment

The following commercial - and similar commercials - are shown every day, singing the songs of fracking and how it is supposedly safe. The reality is quite different. Fracking causes serious health and environmental problems, including drinking water pollution and disposal of fracking waste-water (the latter is a common theme in the news in Nova Scotia where they are struggling with disposal of wastewater).

The Nova Scotia, and more so the New Brunswick, governments are enthusiastic about fracking. Some fracking has been done in Nova Scotia and it is very problematic for reasons stated above. Yet oil and shale gas obtained by fracking is being drummed up as the future of energy in America and Canada. It is another Tar Sands, an ecological catastrophe. In Nova Scotia and New Brunswick there is strong public opposition, especially among First Nations in New Brunswick, because it is being proposed near their communities and on their land.


  1. These commercials, like the ones run in Canada for the oil industry, are the very epitome of propaganda. Ever notice, LD, how they always present a crisp, clean, and pristine environment, as if fracking and tarsand extraction were the greatest gifts to our beleaguered environment?

  2. Lorne, you're quite right.

    ".....they always present a crisp, clean, and pristine environment, as if fracking and tarsand extraction were the greatest gifts to our beleaguered environment?"

    The sad part is that general public buys into this depiction of fracking and Tarsands.
