Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Complexity of Human Body

Have you ever thought that how complex human body is?

Here are some facts. Spare few minutes of your time and look at the data below:

"We believe that the human body exhibits evidence of design, not accident. Here is a list of randomly selected facts that scientists have learned about your body which we believe show design. As you examine this list, ask yourself this question: “Can I rationally believe that the incredible complexity of my body is the result of mindless forces, or does it indicate design?

You possess 3,000,000,000,000 (three trillion) nerve cells all coordinated by the brain.

You have 30,000,000,000 (thirty billion) working sections in your brain.

You have 131,000,000 photoreceptors in your eyes.

You have 24,000 hair-like cells in your inner ear which react to sound and convert it to nerve impulses.

Your small intestine has a surface area of 970,000 square feet.

Your heart beats 100,000 times and pumps 2,000 gallons of blood every day.

Your liver manufactures more than 1,000 different enzymes, each controlling a different chemical reaction.

You have 60,000 miles of blood vessels in your body.

You breathe 438 cubic feet of air each day.

There are 35,000,000 gland cells in your stomach to allow it to break down food without digesting itself.

Your kidneys have 40 miles of tubing and clean 500 gallons of your blood every day.

Every cell has 1,000,000,000,000 (one million million) bits of data in it. (That is as much information as 10,000 encyclopedia-sized books.)

Your body has 639 muscles that must work together.

Our joints must move 25,000,000 times in our lifetime without wearing out.

There are 30,000,000,000,000 (thirty million million) cells in our body with 10,000 functions.

Obviously these numbers are averages, but they indicate the incredible complexity of our bodies. Do you believe these factors all came together by accident, or is this another Dandy Design


  1. The argument that this or that is too complex to have arisen "spontaneously" and therefore must have been deliberately created fails immediately.

    How immensely more unlikely is it that there can "spontaneously" have arisen an entity that's so much more complex that it can spend its mornings creating universes?

    If you demand a designer for the first, then you must demand an infinitely more capable designer for the second. And so on.

  2. Ruaidhrí, you're free to believe whatever you want. The above description of human body was written by an atheist and a scientist.

    I am asking a question in my post and that is all.

    I myself am an agnostic.

  3. The premise itself is flawed. It posits that the human body is either the result of design or accident. Evolution, or natural selection, is not a function of accident. It is a selection of a superior trait or gene that builds upon millions of years of previous selection that collectively result in incredibly complex organisms such as the human body.

    Today we can see the manifestation of evolution happening before our very eyes in organisms such as antibiotic-resistant bacteria or Roundup resistant "super weeds." Nature selects for those organisms that have a particular trait and they advance to become the dominant species.

    Given that life on earth has had several millions of years to evolve I see nothing particularly unusual in complex lifeforms such as the human body.

  4. "... written by an atheist and a scientist...."

    A creationist atheist. Sorry if I'm skeptical about that

  5. Ruaidhrí, you have every right to your views.

    Some scientific theories are just theories and scientists and their followers just believe them like religious beliefs. Big Bang is a theory - which means it is a hypothesis which is not proven by facts yet, otherwise it will not be called a theory.

    No one says anymore "earth is round theory" -because that is a proven fact. You imply that human knowledge is perfect and I doubt that very much. Up to recently it was believed that whatever object goes into a ‘Blackhole’ is gone forever. That theory has been denied and Stephen Hawking agrees with that and admits he was wrong. The object still exists but in a different form.

  6. By the way the proponent of evolution theory, Darwin, was an agnostic.

    "The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us; and I for one must be content to remain an agnostic."

    Charles Darwin

  7. Mound, I thought there was no difference between your views and my views. You're an agnostic so am I.

    I am not promoting any creationism theory put forward by different religions. I am simply in awe of the mystery of life.

  8. ...
    You imply that human knowledge is perfect

    Very, very far from it.

    From a logical point of view, I'm agnostic even about my own physical existence. From a practical point of view, I'm practical.

  9. Ruaidhrí, I am glad that you agree that human knowledge is not perfect. Many theories are put forward and new information proves them wrong.

    Not believing in your own existence is an interesting philosophical concept and I have heard many debates on that. Lives' hardships do remind us that we do exist.

    In short it looks that our views are not that much different.
