Saturday, June 29, 2013

Stephen Harper: Give back flood victims' guns in Alberta.

   "Prime Minister Stephen Harper's office is urging the RCMP in High River, Alta., to focus on "more important" tasks and to return the guns officers took from homes while searching for victims in the evacuated flood zone. Harper's office issued a statement Friday morning in quick reaction to the news that the RCMP had taken some firearms that they said weren't stored properly in empty homes."

Very interesting. I suppose guns will scare the floods away. Read the story here.

Fundamentals of procreation

What is in a man's brain structure and wiring that when he see a beautiful woman he goes gaga. Same goes for a woman seeing a handsome man.

One thing is for sure, it makes procreation possible.

Obama and Sarkozy (former president of France) going
gaga on a lady's butts.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Complexity of Human Body

Have you ever thought that how complex human body is?

Here are some facts. Spare few minutes of your time and look at the data below:

"We believe that the human body exhibits evidence of design, not accident. Here is a list of randomly selected facts that scientists have learned about your body which we believe show design. As you examine this list, ask yourself this question: “Can I rationally believe that the incredible complexity of my body is the result of mindless forces, or does it indicate design?

You possess 3,000,000,000,000 (three trillion) nerve cells all coordinated by the brain.

You have 30,000,000,000 (thirty billion) working sections in your brain.

You have 131,000,000 photoreceptors in your eyes.

You have 24,000 hair-like cells in your inner ear which react to sound and convert it to nerve impulses.

Your small intestine has a surface area of 970,000 square feet.

Your heart beats 100,000 times and pumps 2,000 gallons of blood every day.

Your liver manufactures more than 1,000 different enzymes, each controlling a different chemical reaction.

You have 60,000 miles of blood vessels in your body.

You breathe 438 cubic feet of air each day.

There are 35,000,000 gland cells in your stomach to allow it to break down food without digesting itself.

Your kidneys have 40 miles of tubing and clean 500 gallons of your blood every day.

Every cell has 1,000,000,000,000 (one million million) bits of data in it. (That is as much information as 10,000 encyclopedia-sized books.)

Your body has 639 muscles that must work together.

Our joints must move 25,000,000 times in our lifetime without wearing out.

There are 30,000,000,000,000 (thirty million million) cells in our body with 10,000 functions.

Obviously these numbers are averages, but they indicate the incredible complexity of our bodies. Do you believe these factors all came together by accident, or is this another Dandy Design

Former Fredericton MP Andy Scott Passes Away

At the age of 58, former MP Andy Scott has passed away after a battle with cancer. Very sad news. He was a very hardworking MP, dedicated to helping the poor and vulnerable. In his post-political career, he played a leading role in establishing the New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network, linking academics and researchers to policy-makers, a commitment to a rigorous policy-making process. You can read more about his work on that initiative here.

I knew Andy Scott myself, had nothing but respect for him. He left us too soon, a great loss. My condolences to his family.

Should Stephen Harper resign?

I strongly believe that Stephen Harper should resign. $3.1 billion missing or unaccounted for. Despicable behavior of Senators that he appointed. I stopped watching news as the Harper government's behaviour is so depressing. He is the worst Prime Minister we have in my memory.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Water fall and soothing music

Sit back and enjoy the music. It is very soothing music.

Give a rest to the politics.

Dylan Mahalingham: Make the world a better place

It is an amazing story. Dylan Mahalingham,s achievements at a very young age are extraordinary.

"When I was around 8 or 9 years old, my family went on a trip to India. ... I saw people begging for money on the streets and there were people starving in the alleyways, children working," he recalled.

But there's nothing small about what Mahalingham did. He formed a nonprofit organization called Little MDGs, short for Millennium Development Goals. Forty-one thousand kids from 43 countries are following this high school senior's lead to meet objectives set by the United Nations for improving lives of the impoverished around the world.
He formed a nonprofit organization called Little MDGs, short for Millennium Development Goals. Forty-one thousand kids from 43 countries are following this high school senior's lead to meet objectives set by the United Nations for improving lives of the impoverished around the world.

"Children around the world raised $780,000 for tsunami relief in 2005 in Indonesia, and $11 million for Hurricane Katrina relief," said Mahalingham .

Read more here.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

How I feel about politics?

Bewildered and lost like this man.

Sunday, June 09, 2013


Note: Baby picture of Mike Duffy. :)

Friday, June 07, 2013

Rob Ford: Welcome to Toronto

Harper and Ford will make a great political team.

Stephen Harper's empire: Is it falling apart?

Alberta MP Brent Rathgeber has resigned from the Conservative caucus and rumours are that three or more MPs will do the same.

Partially crumbled already.

CBC video on Harper's troubles.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Flowers, a bird and reflection.

Beautiful picture.

I had it with politics. Might as well enjoy and appreciate the beauty of nature.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

The wonders and beauty of the Nature

We are too busy with our lives that we hardly notice the wonders of the nature.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

A tribute to Mike Duffy

He made P.E.I so famous. His heart is in P.E.I. Enjoy!!!