Sunday, May 06, 2012

Nicolas Sarkozy concedes defeat


  1. I wonder what this will mean to Quebec Francophones? Will it influence them in their decision to retain the fresh new NDP MP's from the 2011 election?

    France is a powerful and influential nation. I cannot disguise my glee that they have taken such a bold step to the left. I hope that Canadians feel similarly bold in three years. I don't hold out much hope for the Liberals, the party of my youth. If anyone is to unseat dear leader I believe it will be the New Democrats.

  2. Next will be Britain and Germany. The public there had it with Cons and their austerity programs.

    However, Greece is going in the opposite direction - extreme right has the majority now in their parliament and there is going to be a coalition government. Greece is the one to watch as to what direction it will take as far as its policies are concerned.

    NDP and Quebec is an uncertain entity so far. I do predict an NDP/Liberal coalition come next election.
