Sunday, May 08, 2011

Sun T.V. : Will it survive?

Is there a need for another conservative news channel when CTV is filling that need fairly well in Canada? Moreover, I doubt Canada has crazies like Tea Partiers in U.S who will be watching Sun TV in millions.

Judging from the commercials it does not look good. I watched a program and there was one long commercial repeated few times and most other commercials were about Sun T.V’s own programs. It does not seem to be the money making scheme that producers of Sun T.V thought it would be.

Then there is the main anchor and buffoon Ezra Levant. The guy is a dead loss. His mouth already looks like a horse’s ass and he tries to be funny by making faces. Even Glenn Beck looks much saner compared to this wag.


  1. You mean Dr. Ho and that Silver man are not there anymore?

  2. CK, no I did not see them. :) However, 2 minutes long Herbalmagic commercial how to lose weight. That should come handy for Cons.

  3. Anonymous6:50 pm

    I love how on bell it says that Sun has asked for this channel to be removed.
