What the hell is wrong with this moron? What is it that he doesn't understand? Burning a holy book will bring a lot of trouble. Last year, when Terry Jones wanted to burn Koran, the President of the United States, Secretary of State, and Joint Chief of Staff all warned that this was a dangerous thing to do, that it would endanger American and allied soldiers in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq.
This man is supposed to be educated, I watched a CNN interview where the host referred to him as DOCTOR Jones. Shouldn't Terry Jones know better? Why is he behaving in this criminal manner?
Part of the problem, unfortunately, is that the literacy rate in Afghanistan is not very high. Thus the Afghan people are easily incited on matters of religion. Religion is near and dear to the Afghan people - as it is to many people in poor and hopeless situations where faith is one of the few refuges available.
Terry Jones does not seem to understand the problems he is creating. I do not think the United States government should let it go, calling it just free expression. Terry Jones is spreading hatred and he should be criminally charged as he is directly responsible for the killings in Afghanistan; something that may spread to other parts of the Muslim world.
Click here to read more on this.
He's just another inbred, murderous, Christofascist fundie. A few lives are a small price to pay for all the attention he's getting.
ReplyDeleteThis morning he told reporters he'd really like to burn another Koran. Fine. I have just the idea. Fly him to Baghdad. Set him up in a public square on Friday, right after prayers get out. Hand him his favourite, a kerosene-soaked Koran and a box of matches. Let him go at it.
Religious fundamentalists are vermin whether they be Islamists, Jewish or Christofascist evangelists. They have nothing good to offer anyone and will freely cause as much suffering as their warped theology supposedly calls for.
I don't think Guantanamo should be restricted to just Islamic extremists. Terry Jones and his ilk deserve the "full works" in a place just like that. Maybe somebody could waterboard that bastard into keeping his foul mouth shut.
“Religious fundamentalists are vermin whether they be Islamists, Jewish or Christofascist evangelists.”
ReplyDeleteMoS, you summed it up there. It is the fundamentalists who are the root cause of all these problems no matter which religion.
Jones does belong in a slammer preferably at Gitmo. Once there he won’t need any water-boarding as his fellow detainees will take good care of him.
Or they should just fly him to Iraq or Afghanistan. He does not have to even burn the Koran there as locals will look after him quite well and they will do the kerosene-soaking on him with all the fanfare that he so craves and deserves. U.S government must do something about this moron as he is a great danger to society.
To me, what's remarkable about Pastor Terry Jones, the Westboro Baptist Church, Al Qaida and the Taliban is that they are all part of what I'm beginning to recognize as a mult-faith movement of hate-based religion.
ReplyDeleteIn this I don't mean to suggest that they work together by any means, merely that they work toward the same goal: building hateful, demagogic religions.
They are all beneath contempt.
Patrick Ross, you're quite right. They all follow the same religion -religion of hate.