Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lawrence O’Donnell kicks Orly Taitz off of his show

This loony toon deserved to be kicked off – the mother of birthers. She definitely belongs in a nut-house.

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  1. Good god, that woman is a waste of space.

  2. Not only is she a waste of space but a piece of crap by birth.

  3. I can't imagine why O'Donnell thought this lunatic would do anything other than what she did. At the very least he should have spared his audience the spectacle of having to watch the two of them drown each other out. He could have pre-recorded the interview and then simply not run it at all but he wanted it aired.

  4. Mound, I thought of that too. But it was fun watching live. He did put her in her place.

  5. . . . why O'Donnell thought this lunatic would do anything other than what she did

    He probably didn't but as they say "a picture is worth a thousand words"
