Thursday, March 24, 2011

Keith Olbermann on Libya invasion

Good commentary by Keith Olbermann.


  1. Obama replaced much of his PR team, promising better message control. Instead, he's worse than ever. I always blamed his team for the lack of leadership in print and on the airwaves. It's obviously Obama who doesn't know how to control the message. He really has done a terrible, terrible job of telling his countrymen what is going on with his tact on Libya. Everyone - left and right - is in the dark, making it seem like Obama does not know what he's doing. Clinton and Gates are not helping. Now we have Olby, Boehner and Rove all speaking the same language. Right has become left. Left has become right.

  2. Jymn,Libya intervention is a mess. There is no clear cut leader. Sarkozy seems to be doing most of the steering for this intervention. Goals of intervention are unclear. It looks the intervention will end up killing more civilians. Even NATO is divided over it. Turkey and Germany have refused to participate. Obama’s position is unclear and criticism of his actions are bi-partisan. So finally he got something bi-partisan that he was looking for. He is losing his credibility. It is not clear where this whole saga is headed for. U.S is already bogged down in two wars and all it needs is another stalemate. It is a big fiasco all around.
