Friday, February 18, 2011

Glenn Beck: Fear Muslims and Anti-Christ

Anti-Christ is coming who will take over the world. Currently he lives in Iran and soon he will be all over the world to kill Christians. Beck's OCD takes a turn for the worse. He does need help.


  1. You can't win an argument with an idiot. (See video above.)

  2. I've got a post coming on old Beckerhead. I caught his show yesterday, damn he is truly insane

  3. Oh this is good. A radical Christian fundamentalist going after radical Islamic fundamentalism. Just goes to show that fundamentalism, of any stripe, is, to use the High German, Gerfukt.

  4. Thanks all for your comments. Becko has gone Wacko. Faux News has not caught on yet or Wacko is their news priority.
