Friday, November 12, 2010

Invasion of Afghanistan and destabilization of Pakistan

We heard a lot about Afghanistan and the atrocities committed there. However, we hear little to nothing about the havoc inflicted on Pakistan because of the invasion. There is a good story on MSNBC with a slide show that is quite an eye-opener.
Read the story here and roll down in the link to see the slides.
A few slides are about the recent floods but the majority are about the overflow of violence from Afghanistan into Pakistan. It looks that Pakistan has become the major victim after 9/11 with the botched Afghanistan invasion by Bush and the escalation by Obama. One feels sorry for Pakistanis as they had no participation in the 9/11 terror attack or any extremist organization at the time. Now it is a quagmire in itself.

Here is some sampling of the slides on MSNBC site:

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