Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Stephen Harper on Guns and Cars

Under Stephen Harper’s regime, car and other vehicles are required to be registered as they should be but guns are something to be admired and need no registry. What does Harper and his minions know that law enforcement officials, RCMP and other police forces around the country, don’t? Law enforcement officials want the gun registry. The gun registry is considered very helpful, according to these law enforcement officials, to control crimes committed using guns. The ignorance of the Harper regime has hit new heights.


  1. Wow. The repeatedly debunked car analogy and love of police authority, not three months after the G20.


  2. Yes $1.7 billion for Harper's photo-op at G20 still pisses me off. Even US and French made fun of such an extravaganza.

    To scrap gun registry will be utterly stupid. Law enforcement officials know what they are talking about.

  3. I should add that what police did in Toronto was unacceptable. However, they had the political backing both by Harper and Ontario government.

    I have condemned time and again the violence against public in Toronto.
