Monday, September 27, 2010

Dead Muslims are dangerous too

Huffington Post

Xenophobia and Islamophobia has reached new heights in the United States. A small town of Sidney, Delaware County, in New York State wants Muslims to dig up and move their cemetery. Many Muslims worked in the WTC and died there in the 9/11 attacks. Some of the bodies were never recovered and are buried there. What are Islamophobes going to do about that?

It was on CNN yesterday that there is an area set aside for Muslim prayers in the Pentagon. That must be hard on the xenophobic and Islamophobic too.

Finally Saint Peters must be provided with special guards by the FBI in case some Muslims may try to push their way through the Pearly gates.
Read the story here

Stephen Harper’s Glow Sticks for G8 -G20

First it was fake lake for $2 million. Now more information is trickling out. Glow sticks for $14000. Total known cost for Harper’s photo-op $1.2 billion.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pope Benedict (Ratzinger) and sexual abuse cover-up

Last night September 25, 2010 there was a one hour documentory on CNN about child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church and the Vatican – What Pope Knew. I am aware of the story but CNN put in perspective that the current pope (previously known as Cardinal Ratzinger) knew about the abuse and chose not only to do nothing, but tried to cover it up. This story shows how corrupt the Catholic Church is to the core.
I have attended a few services of the Catholic Church and if one goes by the show, ceremonies and rituals, one is overwhelmed and in awe but it turns out it is all a show. There is a serious rot going on. It looks hardly anyone stood up for the victims and perpetrators seem to have almost invariably gotten their way. It is scary. Now it is obvious why people are turning away from the organized religions.
I could not find the CNN video but here is a video which puts some light on Cardinal Ratzinger and so-called Father Murphy. The CNN documentary includes many other abuses in the US, Europe, and in other countries.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Christine O'Donnell: Sex is bad for you. Pay attention kids.

I saw this story on the Huffington Post first.
To be floozy or not to be floozy is the question. :) More “wisdom” from Christine O’Donnell. No sex? Oh please! It is bad enough already and she wants to make life even more miserable.

Read the story here.

Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit says Commonwealth sports buildings are safe

Sheila Dikshit

Can we trust Dikshit when there is already a collapse of a footbridge in the main sports area and many other problems with where athletes are going to stay? Is it safe? Should the Canadian and other commonwealth athletes reconsider? It does not look good. Read the story here.

Stephen Harper's Speech at UN?

Ooops! What is he saying? Oh! It is Joseph .... someone.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Long gun registry stays

Stephen Harper is mad. What next? He will prorogue the Parliament and reintroduce the bill to kill the gun registry. What does he know that the law enforcement folks and majority of the Canadians don’t know?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

US soldiers and atrocities in Afghanistan

Mass grave.

It really saddened me when I read this story in the Huffington Post – original story in The Washington Post. US soldiers killing Afghan civilians for fun and then keeping the skulls of victims as trophies. That is quite a way to spread democracy, establish human rights and win the hearts and minds of the Afghans. When will the world catch on with these ongoing atrocities?
Yes Bush started all this but now it falls in the lap of Barack Obama. If he lets this continue, he will not only lose credibility in the US but also internationally. His Nobel Peace prize will look an even bigger mockery to the World.

Read the story here.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tory Leader David Alward: Freeze property tax assessments for seniors

The New Brunswick Election has been generally boring and without any excitement; that's why I did not comment on it. However, a proposal for freezing property tax assessments for seniors is a smart move by Tory leader David Alward. I think in the long run it saves money for senior care. When seniors cannot afford property taxes they move out and live in nursing homes run by the province. This costs taxpayers a lot more.

I believe Liberal Leader Shawn Graham’s stance on this is wrong. He thinks "underserving" seniors will get the benefits. This is not going to sit well with seniors. Graham would have been better off either supporting this proposal or remaining silent. This one is a winner for the Tory leader. Also freezing power rates for residential users for three years is a good move by Alward.

Michael Moore: For Chief of Staff at the Whitehouse

I think Michael Moore deserve better than that. He should be appointed Pope and I am sure he will do a much better job than the current Pope Ratzinger.

I am a fan of Michael Moore. I watched his movies Sicko and Capitalism – A Love Story. The man is a genius the way he exposes the malaises of US society. His views on social justice, environment and many other issues are admirable.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Christine O'Donnell: Meet Sarah Palin’s Twin

Can you tell the difference?

Read Christine O'Donnell story here.

Kory Teneycke’s Sun got eclipsed

Or Sun T.V had a sudden eclipse. Kory Teneycke, one of the VPs and promoters of Sun T.V., suddenly resigned. Teneycke was also a former spokesman for Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Is it possible that dirty tricks to promote Sun T.V. backfired? Sun T.V is also considered the Fox News of the North. Read the full story here.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jim Greer, Former Chairman of Florida GOP , Flip Flops

Last year this guy said Obama was trying to indoctrinate children through his back-to-school speech. Now he is apologizing and feels that he was influenced by the racists in the Republican Party. This year he said he and his children were looking forward to listening to the President’s back-to-school speech. Interesting eh! It does uveil the ugly racist side of the GOP.

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Keith Olberman, Countdown, MSNBC

There were two Mosques inside WTC - OMG

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Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC

Not one but two mosques existed in the World Trade Centre before it was destroyed. What are Terry Jones and fellow creeps going to do now? Maybe there was an agreement between the perpetrators of WTC destruction and Terry Jones, that they will destroy two mosques if he will burn a few Qurans.
Where do the opponents of mosque two blocks from the ground zero stand now? What a strange world we live in.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Harper government and private healthcare

Can we trust this cowboy?

Watch out Canada as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is suggesting user fees for healthcare in Canada. I am afraid the Harper government will jump on it. And then further privatizing of healthcare. Read the full story here

On the other side of the equation a Canadian Centre for the Policy Alternatives study reveals that universal pharmacare will save $10 billion annually. But I won’t hold my breath that the Harper government will pay much attention to that. Read this story here.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s actual twitter post mocking Sarah Palin

He is being very unfair to Sarah Palin. She never said that you can see Russia from Alaska from the air. She said you can see Russia from her house. :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Terry Jones all fired up

I don’t know about the Imam in NYC but Terry Jones is all fired up and primped for a meeting with the Imam in NYC today. Stay tuned.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Alaska

He is checking if he can see Russia from Alaska. It is funny.

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Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC

Update: I hope I finally got the correct spelling of the name of the Governor of California.

Phil Davison of Minerva, Ohio, A New Rising Star for Republicans

Watch out Glenn Beck as Phil Davison may challenge you to give a speech too at the Lincoln Memorial next time around. More bad news for Beck because Phil Davison has Masters Degree in Communications. Shining stars of the Repugs are rising, adding to the already long list; such as Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and the crowd. Maybe we should include Pastor Terry Jones of Florida in there too.

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From Keith Olberman, Countdown, MSNBC

Friday, September 10, 2010

Terry Jones: The new Fox News Host

What is with this guy? First he said that God told him to burn Qurans on 9/11. Then he said that God spoke to the Imam in NYC and that the Imam was going to move the location of the proposed and controversial mosque therefore Jones had cancelled the Quran burning event. Jones also said no one else should burn Qurans. Imam says he made no such commitment. Now Terry Jones says he was lied to and he may proceed with the Quran burning event at a later date. Who lied to him? God or Imam as he said God spoke to the Imam. Moreover, initially his only reason to burn Qurans was to make a point for the 9/11 tragedy. Where did Mosque come into the picture?

This guy will make a perfect host for the Fox News. Move over Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly here comes Terry Jones. He tops them all as he is an ultra moron.

More of Jackie Evancho -America's Got Talent

What more can one say? This 10 year old has an amazing voice; very mature for her age. She makes America's Got Talent worth watching. Of course there are many good and fledgling talents on this show but she is unique.

Christian/Muslim brotherhood – A moving story

The first part of the video talks about Quran burning and its ramification; then there is a moving story of Christian/Muslim brotherhood in Memphis. It is this kind of brotherhood which can bring peace in the world instead of guns and hatred. Now this is a story which should get maximum publicity but unfortunately the moron Terry Jones will get all the publicity.

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Terry Jones gives interview to CNN – sort of :)

Rick Sanchez of CNN interviews him.:) This Terry Jones guy is a complete moron. He is endangering so many lives so that he can get publicity for himself and for his less than 50 parishners. What next? He will have a reality show?

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Pastor Terry Jones: The true moron

He wants to burn Qurans on September 11. General Petraeus has warned him against it as he said it would endanger the lives of troops in Afghanistan. Many other high ranking US military officials have spoken against it too. Even Canadian Defence Minister Peter Mackay has spoken up on this issue and said it would endanger the lives of Canadian troops in Afghanistan. But nothing seems to faze this crazy Jones. Now he is saying that he is praying and asking the advice from Jesus Christ himself. Maybe Jesus will give him the right advice.

When you think you have heard enough of crazies like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh another one raises his ugly head.

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Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Joe Wilson: “You lie” or “just kidding, I lie”

The GOP congressman Joe Wilson from South Carolina who shouted out to Obama during President’s health care address to Congress “you lie” has serious problems with his expenses and he is being investigated. May be he meant “I lie” when he said “you lie”. Read the story here.

Tony Blair cancels book signing for London

Tony Blair is very unhappy. He had to cancel his London book signing because of the planned demonstrations against him for dragging Britain into the Iraq war. Tony Blair the poodle cries. Read the story here.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Stephen Harper and George W. Bush Dance Face-off

“So you think you can dance” competition between Harper and Bush. You be the judge.

Tony Blair, Bush’s Poodle greeted by eggs and shoes in Dublin

Irish understand Tony Blair quite well. He was pelted with eggs and shoes when he arrived there for his book signing ceremony.
I don’t know what the British were thinking when they elected this guy as PM and kept him there for 10 years. Compared to him, even Bush looks quite smart. He was interviewed by Peter Mansbridge of CBC and it sounded like he had orders from God to go on a crusade into Iraq. His views on Afghanistan were not much different. It was pointed out to him that no progress has been made in Afghanistan, Taliban are getting stronger and the Karzai government is utterly corrupt, his response was that he understands that but war must continue. After that interview it is obvious how he was pet poodle for George W. Bush.
Read he story here.

A little Mosque on the Prairie headed for the Arctic

This mosque was built in Winnipeg and now is being transported to the Canadian arctic. One northern mosque already exists in the arctic on the Russian side. My O My, what are cons opposed to mosques going to do now? Muslims are taking over everywhere including the arctic. Do those crazies in NYC know? :)

I saw the news on the CBC last night. Will there be demonstrations in the arctic too?
Read the story here.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Glenn Beck’s Paranoia

Glenn Beck sees conspiracy everywhere. Barack Obama is a socialist and he wants to destroy America. Universities are dangerous for the kids as they’re madrasas to train Maoists and Communists. What next? Santa wears a red suit? He must be a commie who poses a threat as he may be secretly converting kids to Maoism. There is no end to Beck’s paranoia.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Glenn Beck: Universities are dangerous for kids

These damn universities, in US, are madrasas in disguise and they train Communists and Maoists there.

When will Faux News catch on to this guy and that he is a mental case and needs help?

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A judge in Winnipeg, her nude photos distributed by her lawyer husband: A bizarre story

A judge’s husband, who is a lawyer himself, posts nude photos of his wife on the internet showing her in different sexual positions. Then this lawyer husband tries to convince one of his clients, who is a black man, to have sex with his wife. The lawyer directs him to his website to view the nude photos of his wife and gives him some nude pictures. A website which is dedicated to promote sex between black men and white women. A story reported by the CBC this Wednesday September 1st.
Initially the story did not make any sense to me. But it is getting more bizarre by the day. What the ^&$# is going on? It is not that the parties involved did not know the law. They are all set for a TV reality show now. Read the story here.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Tony Blair-Faithful to his master Dubya

Tony Blair wrote his auto-biography - A Journey. As expected he showers praises on his master Dubya (George W. Bush).

Keith Olbermann thanks Bush for the Iraq war

Keith Olbermann of MSNBC thanks Bush in a fitting manner. But why Barack Obama did not do the same in his speech on August 31st? It looks Keith Olbermann understands Bush much better than Obama.

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Many in the US and around the world firmly believe that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are war criminals and that they committed crimes against humanity. I suppose for Barack Obama to take a firm stand on that would be politically very risky. Any politician’s first and foremost priority seems to be to win elections and all other matters are secondary to that top priority.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Stephen Harper on Guns and Cars

Under Stephen Harper’s regime, car and other vehicles are required to be registered as they should be but guns are something to be admired and need no registry. What does Harper and his minions know that law enforcement officials, RCMP and other police forces around the country, don’t? Law enforcement officials want the gun registry. The gun registry is considered very helpful, according to these law enforcement officials, to control crimes committed using guns. The ignorance of the Harper regime has hit new heights.