Friday, July 02, 2010

Queen Elizabeth sings O’Canada

Not bad, eh!;) At least there was a crowd in Ottawa on Canada Day. Rest of her trip was a big yawner. About time to say bye bye to Queen lady. There are no more colonies. Monarchy is a symbol of oppression and Canada must ditch it.


  1. As I have mentioned many times before, I strongly support the monarchy and I believe every loyal Canadian should support the monarchy so long as the king is I.

  2. Long live the king. :)

    I have a lot of respect for the people who struggle but those who are born with silver spoon in their mouth is not much of a qualification. I knew some over the years and found them completely detached from reality.

    Queen and her children, like Charlie the clown, have no qualifications other than being born in a highly privileged environment.
