Saturday, July 17, 2010

Peter MacKay is on a jet

It is only taxpayers’ money – the suckers. A billion here and a billion there what is the big deal. $1.2 billion for G8 and G20 and now $9 billion for F-35. Just buy those damn jets. No bidding or competition needed. It is just the taxpayers’ money – the suckers.
Peter MacKay says we must support the soldiers. Yeah! Peter it is not your butt which is in the harm’s way. Why not support the soldiers and bring them home. Why are we getting them killed in Afghanistan? And those who survive have battle scars and PTSD. The suicide rate amongst the soldiers is very high. 32 US soldiers committed suicide in June alone. I believe that is more than killed in the war theatre in the month of June. So Peter Mackay you are trying to fool the public as usual.


  1. eh. That's not bad. But I was hoping that you'd made a spoof of that Old Spice advert, starring MacKay.

  2. Yeah! :) The whole Harper government and many others on the Hill can use Old Spice. They all stink.
