Saturday, July 31, 2010
Congressman Anthony Weiner goes ballistic
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Dick Cheney’s heart?
As someone commented on my last Youtube video on Cheney, "Satan, please take your son Dick back."
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Friday, July 30, 2010
Stephen Harper: Photo-op with Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin
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Thursday, July 29, 2010
William Elliott meets his boss Steve
Stephen Harper is mad. William Elliott is like Afghanistan war. We were supposed to win hearts and minds of Afghanis and look what happened. Elliot was supposed to do the same for the RCMP and the rest is history.
No question that the RCMP needs civilian oversight but Elliott is not the solution and instead he has become the problem. Day to day operations of the RCMP needs to be run by RCMP and not by an outsider but a watchdog can be appointed to oversee the operations and make recommendations.
Note: It wasn’t easy to find a proper sound bite for this video; I hope readers of my blog will like it. Recommend this post
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Is William Elliott, RCMP Chief , crazy?
Warning: The language in the video is strong. Recommend this post
Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey would like to have a caste system in US
Does he realize that 1/3 of the population of the world is Muslim? Where do Republicans find these clowns and do they live in a cocoon all their lives?
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Stephen Harper and Wikileaks
Harper government is very upset with Wikileaks as it has exposed lies and more lies. Now the whole world can see. Of course the excuse used to condemn these leaks is that it endangers the lives of soldiers. Even more lies. His government is endangering the lives of the soldiers by putting them in harm’s way. We are achieving nothing and Afghanistan is an unwinnable war. Wikileaks has removed any doubt of such an outcome.
The excuse used is that NATO is bringing democracy to Afghanistan. Another major lie. Afghanistan is far worse off than it was at the time of invasion. Karzai is nothing more than a mayor of Kabul and he heads a highly corrupt government. How long this fooling of public will continue? I hope after Wikileaks public will catch on. Recommend this post
Republican Senate Candidate Ken Buck: Birthers are dumbasses
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From Countdown, MSNBC. Recommend this post
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Andrew Breitbart – Unhooded and exposed
What was Andrew Breitbart thinking when he started the smear campaign against Shirley Sherrod? Because of his charade Shirley Sherrod has become a household name and a role model for millions. Also it has exposed the racist nature of the Tea Party. He must be grinding his teeth, biting his nails and whipping his own a*& now. What a suffering succotash! Recommend this post
Chelsea Clinton: Wedding location
I exactly know the location of her wedding - planet Earth, New York State. Why is there such a fuss over where she is getting married? She is a human being like the rest of us. She is a 30 year old girl who is getting married this year like tens of thousands of others.
I never cared much for personality cults. Yes I admire some human beings like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Mother Theresa etc. who made sacrifices to help fellow human beings. Yes they must be recognized for that but to turn them into some kind of a cult figure is another of human follies. Clintons are human beings like the rest of us, nothing more and nothing less. More successful, by societal standards, than others and that is all. Recommend this post
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Alvin Greene has his own video
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From Countdown, MSNBC. Recommend this post
The Crazy Man: His name is Glenn Beck
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From Countdown, MSNBC. Recommend this post
Friday, July 23, 2010
Stephen Harper to Helena Guergis - I'm so sorry
Update: There was a little problem with the video so I replaced it. Enjoy. Recommend this post
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Andrew Breitbart - Tea Party -singing his favourite song
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Andrew Breitbart : The Grand Wizard of The Tea Party
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Recommend this postWednesday, July 21, 2010
America's Got Talent: Hannibal Means - Good and Weird
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Lindsay Lohan: A victim
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Recommend this postShirley Sherrod Fired: Tea-Party Strikes again
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Recommend this postTuesday, July 20, 2010
Lindsay Lohan: Headed for the slammer
She looks pretty fit to me. What went wrong?
To read more click here. Recommend this post
Sarah Palin: The Shakespeare
Now she claims to be the Shakespeare.
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From Countdown, MSNBC. Recommend this postMonday, July 19, 2010
Andy Rooney’s Rant on Kitchen Tools
A good reflection on human nature and in this case men’s nature.
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Sunday, July 18, 2010
Chrissy Steltz: An extraordinary story of survival
At age 16 she was accidently shot and lost her nose, eyes and part of her face. It was a miraculous survival. 11 years later through good prosthetics she gets her eyes, nose and face back. She still can’t see but the operation is extraordinary. The above video has the details.
Then there is Conrad Black. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He himself made a lot of money as a media baron. And when he should have been enjoying it all he screwed up. Now he is sitting in a jail somewhere in Florida. Last night there was a two hours documentary on him on The Passionate Eye of CBC.
A question on “the survival of the fittest”. Who is the fittest here? Chrissy Steltz or Conrad Black? More fit they are harder they fall. Recommend this post
From KKK to Tea baggers
They tell you that society is evolving and progressing but quite often one evil morphs into another evil. It may change its looks but it does not change its content. KKK morphing into the Tea Party is one good example. Tea Party followers are raising their ugly head in Canada too. So watch out. Recommend this post
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Stephen Harper's gift to Lockheed Martin
Peter MacKay is on a jet
Peter MacKay says we must support the soldiers. Yeah! Peter it is not your butt which is in the harm’s way. Why not support the soldiers and bring them home. Why are we getting them killed in Afghanistan? And those who survive have battle scars and PTSD. The suicide rate amongst the soldiers is very high. 32 US soldiers committed suicide in June alone. I believe that is more than killed in the war theatre in the month of June. So Peter Mackay you are trying to fool the public as usual.
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Friday, July 16, 2010
Alberta’s Dirty oil
Canada's Dirty Oil: Breaking Our Addiction - General audience (long version) from Dirty Oil Sands on Vimeo.
National wealth or a national shame? Ed Stelmach was on CBC last night saying that it was pure propaganda that Tar Sands presented any environmental threat. He also emphasized that Alberta is a picture province and remains a great tourist attraction and destination. Really?May be Tar Sands should be designated as a sacrosanct burial ground for Ed Stalmach and Dick Cheney. Recommend this post
Glenn Beck: Jews Killed Jesus
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Video from Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC. Recommend this post
Dick Cheney has no heart
I will never say that about another human but since Cheney is a beast and a dangerous predator I can say that it is about time that doctors pull the plug on him. He must not be allowed to do any more damage to humanity. He is an alien beast who wants to destroy life on this earth.
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Thursday, July 15, 2010
Stephen Harper has moral police: Pamela Anderson's PETA Ad Banned
To read the story
click here Recommend this post
KKK: New Uniform and New Song (Video)
Tea Party = Racism
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Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC Recommend this post
Republicans and Tea Party
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From Chris Matthews of Hardball, MSNBC. Recommend this post
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Stephen Harper’s Engineering Wonder
Engineering Wonders
Chateau de Chenonceau
Cordillera Real Mountaineering Hut
Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas National Park
Cordillera Real Mountaineering Hut
Hermitage of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe
Kintai Bridge of Iwakuni
Moai Stone Statues on Easter Island
Sigiriya 'Lion Rock' fortress in Sri Lanka
The City of Palmyra
The Gargoyles of Notre Dame Cathedral
The Hanging Monastery
The Mausoleum of Bibi Jawandi
Stephen Harper’s Engineering Wonder – the fake lake for $2 Million
34 million Canadians are wondering why?
Update: Other than Harper's fake lake you can find the details for the rest of the engineering wonders
here. Recommend this post
Monday, July 12, 2010
All Canadians know what PEI stands for. Guess what else it stands for??? Hint: It has Inc. at the end.
Update: Since no one responded I should provide the answer. And the answer is : Playboy Enterprises, Inc Recommend this post
Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir charged with genocide
If Omar al-Bashir committed the crimes that he is alleged to have committed then it is the right move by the International Criminal Court. However, I do believe that similar crimes were committed by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their gang. Many Congressmen in the US think this gang committed war crimes and crimes against humanity. Should Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al, not be charged too?
There is a lot of hypocrisy in the world. The US and especially George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld can go into a country and cause murder and mayhem, killing heads of states with no action against them. As long as there is hypocrisy of that kind sadly there will be no peace in this world. Injustice gives rise to retaliations, and more violence.
Read the Omar al-Bashir story here.
Haiti: Earthquake and its aftermath
Iraq: The Horrors of a War
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The British Triplets
Are these three related by blood? There is some resemblance.
David Cameron
Nick Clegg
Chancellor of Exchequer Garnier George Osborne. Recommend this post
Stephen Harper - You're under arrest
Read the story here. Recommend this post
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Stephen Harper sings to his friend
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Friday, July 09, 2010
What is Jesus up to?
Read the story here.
Update: I forgot to say that I am terribly jealous. Recommend this post
Vigorous debate
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Recommend this postThursday, July 08, 2010
Giving Windows 7 Another Try...
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Stephen Harper meets Stephen Hawking in Waterloo
They say everything happens for a reason. Why Stephen Harper became PM? Do you see any reason? I don’t.
If you find out who creates the reason and why then please let me know. Leave Paul Martin, Stephen Dion and voters out of it, as they are a cause and not “the reason”. Recommend this post
Rush Limbaugh - the worst person in the world
Keith Olbermann, MSNBC, Countdown.
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Recommend this postTuesday, July 06, 2010
Stephen Harper - I wanna be famous
Now you know how your tax dollars, $1.2 billion, were spent and why! ;) Many more such photos are available at his own palace site here. Recommend this post
Monday, July 05, 2010
Stephen Harper's Billion Dollars Baby - G8 G20
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Human body and human senses
We all know the five miraculous human senses:
Otherwise the human body is just a physical being but those miraculous senses make it a very unusual and special being. Only those who lose one or more senses come to appreciate it more and the rest of us take it for granted. Or as time goes by the senses become weak and people start losing sight, hearing, taste, touch or smell then people start appreciating it more. Imagine if one loses the sense of touch or feeling no pain also known as congenital insensitivity. Such people can hurt themselves without knowing it has happened.
I am always bewildered by this and by the miracle of life. I don’t know how life started. If it started from a single cell is it possible that there is an experimenter who started it all? It cannot be all a pure accident of a big bang explosion and then everything fell into place. Is it possible there is something more to it and more meaningful?
Anyway a time does come that all these senses disappear and the human body, or for that matter bodies of all living beings, become just a body or heap of material or as the saying goes "...for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
Life always mystifies me.
Is the culture of “gold digging” a moral problem?
Does “gold digging” cheapen the male/female relations as it is purely based on greed? Is the "gold digging" person a tramp? Does it corrupt the society and morals? Is freedom of expression taken to an absurd level? Maybe. The Chinese government thinks so.
China censors 'gold digging' reality TV shows
“Audiences loved all the titillation, until last month — when Chinese government censors came down hard. After a contestant indicated she was angling for a wealthy man with a flashy car, government nannies ordered all matchmaking shows to cut the sexual innuendo, uphold traditional values and ban any talk of women "gold digging."
Read the full story here. Recommend this post
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Stephen Harper speaks on Canada day 2010 in Gibberish
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Afghanistan Quagmire and training Afghan Soldiers? Changing Afghanistan a novel idea
If I attend a university and miserably fail in every subject then am I ready to train the professors how to teach? Nice idea, eh! Those damn professors did not know how to teach me and that is why I failed. Time to train the professors by failed students.
The situation in Afghanistan is somewhat similar. American, Canadian, and other NATO forces have miserably failed in Afghanistan. Now are they ready to train the Afghan soldiers? The very Afghans who could not be subdued by the so-called modern army. Should the Afghans not train the US, Canadian and NATO forces how to fight in a mountainous terrain and in a social environment which is totally alien to the west?
No army has ever succeeded in Afghanistan. It is indeed a graveyard for empires. Alexander the Great failed, the British failed and more recently the mighty former USSR forces failed. One outstanding characteristic of humans is that we never learn from our blunders and past experiences. We must realize that we are creating much greater misery in Afghanistan than solving any problems or bringing democracy – bringing democracy is a joke and a cruel joke to sell war to the public in the US, Canada and other NATO countries.
Here is an idea which may change Afghanistan and actually conquer it socially. Train Afghans en-masse as teachers, doctors and other professionals right here in Canada, the US and Europe. It sure will cost a lot less than what is being spent on the war. We don’t kill them and they don’t kill us. Send these trained people back into Afghanistan over many years. The whole world may be surprised how you can change Afghanistan that way than through subjugation and killing. You can change the societies much faster and more effectively through education, not training military, than through guns to their heads.
Saturday, July 03, 2010
Paris Hilton: The Kinky Girl
Her latest fiasco was the arrest in South Africa for possessing pot but it does not faze the lady. Read the story here.
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Michael Ignatieff: When the Queen calls, you jump
Michael Ignatieff added, "she's an absolute joy to meet and has a wonderful sense of the absurd." There, a perfect team-mate and he can indulge into his absurdity as much he wants and Queen can help. Is he really with it?
To read the full story,click here.
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Friday, July 02, 2010
Queen Elizabeth sings O’Canada
Not bad, eh!;) At least there was a crowd in Ottawa on Canada Day. Rest of her trip was a big yawner. About time to say bye bye to Queen lady. There are no more colonies. Monarchy is a symbol of oppression and Canada must ditch it. Recommend this post
Stephen Harper's Speech at the start of G 20?
To give you some idea about Stalin watch the video below.
And here is a short paragraph from his last speech:
“The question is asked as to why we relieved some well-known comrades from their posts in the party and state apparatus? What can be said about this? We replaced comrades Molotov, Kaganovich. Voroshilov and others .....The work of a Minister is extremely hard work, demanding strength, stamina and new thinking to new problems.”
Does that sound familiar? Recommend this post
Kathleen Parker of Washington Post needs testosterones
Does she know that there have been/are quite a few woman head of states in other countries? To name a few:
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner Argentina, President 10 December 2007 Incumbent
Corazon Aquino Philippines,President. 25 February 1986, 30 June 1992
Margaret Thatcher, prime minister of the United Kingdom from 4 May 1979 to 28 Nov 1990.
Angela Merkel (1954-)Federal Chancellor of Germany from 22 Nov 2005.
And their success rate is the same as men if not better.
She must ask her doctor to give her a few testosterone injections so that she can feel powerful and decisive. I think Keith Olbermann should have chosen her as the worst person in the world.
Video from Keith Olbermann of MSNBC.
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Recommend this postThursday, July 01, 2010
Queen Elizabeth: Is monarchy relevant to Canada?
The cold reception of Queen Elizabeth this time shows that Canadians are not enthused by the monarchy. Her visit was a big yawn.
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The Belly Dancing Duo: America’s Got Talent 2010 Audition
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Rick Barber: A Ra(n)T
When you feel that you had enough of these morons like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, John Boehner or John Bonehead, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and bunch of others of the breed, another raises his/her ugly head and Rick Barber is one of them.
The guy had enough nerves to appear on Chris Matthews' show, Hardball on MSNBC. Matthews put him in his place. Here is the video.
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Recommend this postBP = Hiroshima for US
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Recommend this postJohn Boehner’s R-ant
They should rename him John Bonehead.
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Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC. Recommend this post