Friday, June 25, 2010

CSIS Director Richard Fadden is paranoid

He thinks spies are everywhere in Canada including some prominent provincial politicians working as spies. I suppose when they trained him as a CSIS officer they over indoctrinated him. Also that is what happens when you spent $1.2 billion on a meeting in Toronto. His interview to CBC was amazing.

Read the story here and here.


  1. As the joke says, paranoid doesn't mean he's wrong. He's not. He's right. And given your attention to the Mid-East, you might know that.

  2. Since Bush took office in 2000 there has been paranoia in North America. He could have avoided 9/11but he ignored the warnings. His botched invasion of Afghanistan and then criminal venture of Iraq did not help the matters. Time will tell how things go. It looks Richard Fadden is done because to make public statements like that is just plain dim. He has been giving retractions since but that is not much help to him.
