Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Three Americans detained in Iran

One feels for the mothers who went to visit their children in Iran who are detained by Iran. I think Iran should free these people, who are two men and a woman. Read the story here.

However, it is striking how much and extensive coverage these three detainees are getting and how Iran is painted as a horrible country to detain such nice US citizens. I think all countries should show restraint. However, before Americans condemn other countries they should look at themselves too and what they have done in Iraq and Afghanistan. They went there and killed innocent civilians by the hundred of thousands – according to some estimates one million in Iraq and close to one hundred thousand civilians killed in Afghanistan.

That is not all, let us look at what happened at the Abu Gharib jail in Iraq. Innocent Iraqis tortured and killed in their own country. Moreover, ongoing torture and killing of detainees both in Iraq and Afghanistan. We must also not forget the hundreds of innocent people held at Gitmo for years.

More recently look at what Arizona is doing to those it calls illegal aliens. You must have heard of Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona who thinks he has a God given right to arrest everybody who does not look lily white like him. Is the US not the worst violator of human rights? We forget that Pakistan alone has received millions of Afghanis as refugees. Egypt, Turkey, Jordan and Syria received millions of Iraqi refugees. The US must look inside its own ugly face before it can lecture the world or pretend to spread democracy. It has created more misery around the globe than any other country in recent history.

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