Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Stephen Harper Is No Fun

Stephen Harper appeared on Youtube to answer questions from the citizens. He was asked about legalizing pot. He said no. Conservative logo will look much better with cannabis leaf especially given the number of pot-heads in the Conservative Party of Canada.


  1. Hey LeDaro, I felt like you when I did my blog post today.

  2. I concur with your feelings. Liquor companies and especially beer companies don't want any competition. Although liquor is more dangerous to one’s health, I think.

  3. I couldn't listen to this interview.....soooo boring and not only that, Harper kept looking at the interviewers (I'll be polite) stomach which made the interviewer nervous. Not only that, when ever Harper solilaqued, he looked left and at the floor. He planted himself in his chair like a least when interviewed on TV, the camera moves. Boring!!

  4. He would have been better off just singing Beatles song and put it on Youtube.
