Sunday, February 07, 2010

Sarah Palin At Teabaggers' Party

Sarah Palin spoke at the teabaggers' party in Nashville. She does not like a President who is a lawyer and who gives lectures. She will reinstate the US standing in the world after the damage done by the Obama administration. She was asked how she would do that and what would be her foreign policy. Her response was that terrorists lose and she wins and that will be crux of her foreign policy.

It was one heck of a boring speech and full of platitudes and simple mindedness. If fluff is substance then she had a lot of substance in her speech.


  1. Sarah Palin's speech was an out of the park HOME RUN. This socialist government is incapable recognizing a leader from a ideologue.

  2. Sandra,

    I found it utterly boring and without substance. I suppose I am no Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh fan.

  3. You say socialist like it's a bad thing!

  4. "This socialist government is incapable recognizing a leader from a ideologue."

    A proud member of the Idiocracy speaks.

  5. jj, Idiocracy has every right to its freedom of speech. :)
