Thursday, December 03, 2009

Wars are good for Generals and the Rich only

Michael Moore said it aptly in his letter to Obama opposing the escalation of war in Afghanistan:

"Not send more poor people to kill other poor people who pose no threat to them, that's what they'd do. Not spend billions and trillions to wage war while American children are sleeping on the streets and standing in bread lines."

You can read the rest of his letter here.

I need not repeat that so many lies have been told to justify wars: WMD's in Iraq and women's rights in Afghanistan or maybe we should call them WMD's and WRA's bold faced lies.

The worst part is, as Michael Moore said, it is poor killing the poor. Very rarely do sons and daughters of the rich and powerful actually participate in war on the ground. It is always poor (and the middle class to some degree) who pay the price.

What the general public must watch out for is the brainwashing which goes on to convince young men and women to go in the harms way. Such as you will become an instant "hero" if you kill so many "enemies". Or if you die you instantly become a martyr – what good does it do for the person who is dead and what good is it for his/her loved ones? It is exploitation of the people. Not much different than what Karl Marx said about religion and how it is used as an opium for the masses. He was quite right there. It is exploitation and brainwashing.

I said this before and I will say it again, that the only people who benefit from such wars are the rich and powerful – oil and gas companies in Iraq and Afghanistan or the generals who can keep their jobs a little longer. What poor and middle class get out of it is more misery, death and destruction. Then of course higher taxes to pay for these vicious wars started by the rich and powerful for the benefit of the rich and powerful. It is time that the general public rises up against these horrible wars and demand an end to them.


  1. Good post! Everything you say here is true. Why can't people wake up to these facts? Instead, history repeats itself, over and over again. We continue to be sheep led to the slaughter, for the rich man's benefit. How sad!

    "It is the blood of the soldier that makes a general great."

  2. mycdnprince, thank you for your kind words. So true what you say. And your quote about the glory of generals is so true.
