Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tiger leaps back into Woods

Poor man Tiger Woods. Got caught with his pants down. It looks most of his so-called mistresses were high-end escorts. Now the most recent is that he is taking time off golf and headed for a very small island of off the coast of Sweden. His wife, who is from Sweden, bought a small house in the woods on the island, which is only accessible by boat, hoping that will save her from the paparazzi. And if Tiger does move with her, then save him too from the paparazzi.

One does not feel sorry for Tiger as he had his share of jollies. My golly when you have a $1 billion income what you do with it? One does not feel sorry for his wife either. She is an expert putter herself and a hole in one. Rumours are that the pr-nuptial agreement was for $20 million which Tiger has already raised to $60-70 million to keep her company for the time being.

However, the real victims are going to be the children. It is sad. This experience is going to be traumatic for them. It is hoped that they will recover from it.

The moral of the story is that if your intentions are to remain an active 'player' then don't get married. Especially don't claim to love someone when you're going to share it - your "love" - around extensively. Just have fun and move on.

To read the story about the Swedish island, click here.


  1. What if you only plan on "sharing" every now and then? ;-)

  2. Mélissa, are you asking my personal opinion? Love should be spread around. ;)
