Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Joe Lieberman the Porkman

When will Dems catch on with this Lieberman guy in the US Senate? First he endorsed John McCain for President over Obama while claiming to be a Democrat. After McCain lost Lieberman was going to lose his committee chairs but the Dems let him keep the chairmanship of Homeland Security.

When it came to healthcare he was deadly opposed to any new public option but recommend extending Medicare to 55 years old. Now that option is negotiated he says he cannot support such extension and wants to filibuster. The man cannot make up his mind because he is totally in the pockets of the private healthcare lobby. Lots of private healthcare companies have head offices in Connecticut, his home state. This man is the epitome of evil if such an entity exists. Talking about pork, he is exclusively made of one. About time that Dems kick his butts.

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