Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Howard Dean Opposed to Senate Healthcare Bill

He says kill the bill. Do you blame the good doctor? Joe Lieberman and fellow porkies have managed to whittle down the bill to futility. First there was supposed to be a public option but the porkies (of private health insurance companies) like Joe Lieberman said over their dead bodies. So public option gone. Then there was a proposal to extend Medicare to 55 years, again Lieberman and other porkies said NO and now by all accounts that is gone.

Now Dr. Howard Dean is saying forget about passing such a bill - that it's too watered down to amount to any meaningful reform.

It is a big victory for private healthcare (profiteers) insurance companies. Long live the greed and exploitation. The American people deserve better. Given the control of these profit-driven insurance companies one should worry if their next target will be Canada. Sarah Palin is already indicating that Canada should reform its healthcare and give it back to private profiteers. Good-bye healthcare hello gluttony as thy name is tyranny.

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