Saturday, December 12, 2009

Gravity and life

Sir Isaac Newton who walked this earth some 350-400 years ago. He was sitting under an apple tree and an apple fell on his head; he started wondering why the apple fell to the ground instead of just taking off in the space. He came up with the theory of gravity. Now we know for sure how it works as astronauts in space floating around when they cross the gravity sphere of the earth. We take so many realities of life for granted.

What if there was no gravity. We will be all floating around and so will other objects and living beings, if there would be any. Gravity made it possible that flora and fauna and humans stay put and that living beings in general can move around without being lost in space. If there was no gravity would planets stay in place or would they collide with each other hence causing another big bang with no end? What an extraordinary balance and organization of the universe?

How this gravity got in there? I don't know and I don't pretend to know. Why there is gravitation between male and female species and offsprings especially those of humans? If there was no natural love for children probably humans will eat their own children. However, any 'normal' human does not harm his/her children and does everything to meet their needs. How did that come about? If there was not that strong motivation and desire for copulation then human life would have ended long ago as no one would have wanted to procreate. What an extraordinary phenomena, yet we take it for granted.

Why is there such an attraction for all things attractive? What is that sentiment?

What if there was too much gravity then will all flora and fauna be strictly stuck to the ground and not move? Or blood will be drawn down in living creatures and kill them instantly? Everything is in the right amount otherwise there will be no life. Have you ever gone through the experience of being very down. Step outside the house and saw a beautiful flower and you felt suddenly cheered up. That sun and its light and flower came together to cheer a person up and then of course the ability of the eyes to see and send that image to the brain and the brain in turn sending messages to the nervous system. All that happens in a split second. How extraordinary. It happened with me once coming out of my office and in this case it was a wild flower. That is exactly what I thought when I saw that flower. Life is very unusual and very complex indeed.

Who knows how many more earth-like planets are there in the universe? It will be interesting if we find human-like creatures on other planets. Won't happen in my lifetime though it looks.

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