Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Gitmo detainees dangerous on US soil?

The Obama administration is considering bringing some Gitmo detainees to a maximum security prison in Illinois. The Repugs are up in arms that they pose great danger and they will escape the prison and cause havoc. Yeah-right, Timothy R. McVeigh is going to do the same and many other very dangerous criminals in the US. Can Repugs get anymore stupid?

Guantanamo Bay is the poster child for extremists for recruiting purposes. It is a black spot on US justice system. It is also in violation of the Geneva Convention. It is the brainchild of war criminals like Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld.

Besides needed jobs for Illinois folks, moving the prisoners it will get rid of this recruiting symbol for extremists. It has been reported time and again that no one ever escaped from a maximum-security prison. I suppose detainees can grow wings and fly away.

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