Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Barack Obama’s Strategy for Afghanistan – Part 2

Here it is folks in nutshell, in case you did not watch the news or missed his speech.

1.He will send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan and complete the deployment process by June.

2.From June 2010 to June 2011 he will complete the following:

A) Defeat Taliban, defeat Al-Queda and all the other bad guys in Afganistan.

B) Reform the Afghanistan government. Get rid of corruption and put a democratic government in place; and train the Afghan army.

C) Get rid of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda and other bad guys in Pakistan and stabilize the government in Pakistan who will be friendly to the U.S.

June 2011: Mission Accomplished and withdrawal begins in time for the next presidential election. Damn Bush and Cheney could not do that in 8 years. My with that kind of Superman abilities why not elect him for life instead of another term?

I will like Obama to succeed. But you be the judge of his Afghan strategy.


  1. As always, another cool cartoon. I wish I knew how to do those animations. I used to know how in a previous life but have forgotten and that was with an old photoshop plugin, Image ready. Don't have it anymore since I upgraded from 7 to CS 3.

    I'm not sure whether you're being sarcastic or if you really do have hope in your latest post.

    I am certain that he won't accomplish anything and that it will just make matters far worse.

    History is repeating itself and Obama goes from being a modern day 'camelot' to a modern day 'Lyndon B Johnson' in one fell swoop.

    Unless by some miracle he changes his mind and decides to pull out the troops immediately and cut their losses, The white house will turn into a circus.

    I noticed your comment from my posting a few days ago about my prediction of a See Sawah Run pres.

    I explained why I predict this awful fate in tonight's posting:

  2. CK, thank you for your comment. I want Obama to succeed as a president and not through wars –better economy and more peaceful world. Afghanistan war is a pure atrocity. I read the letter by Michael Moore on your blog and fully agree with that. On Afghanistan war I totally agree with you. Sooner we end these wars better it is for all parties concerned.

    I have an old Photo-Suite program and use one of the gif programs available on the net for a very small cost to buy first time. I learned it by trial and error and no special training of any kind.

  3. Like yourself and Michael Moore, I still believe Obama basically has a good heart and is a decent man, but he does have bad advisors around him. Or something is going wrong.

    Between war escalation and watered down health care reform, I think he was trying to make all happy, yes, even the GOP, tea-baggers, birthers (which Sawah just joined according to Huff Post last night). He will never appeal to the Fox News Machine or Limbaugh or glenn beck and the rest of them.

    Sad really, because now, he will have no allies.
