Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Barack Obama the new conquer of Afghanistan?

It looks Obama will cave in to his generals and send another 34,000 plus soldiers to Afghanistan. Where Alexander the Great, the British and the Soviets failed, is Obama going to succeed? Especially, he is propping up a very corrupt Karzai government. Yes he is going to put some terms and conditions on Karzai but who is going to implement those terms and conditions? Who is going to watch over? A Human Rights Commission was created a while ago but did it succeed to curb the human rights violations and torture? Good luck Obama.

So far Obama had an easy ride despite the heated discussion on healthcare, but now he fully owns up to the Afghanistan war. Will he succeed or will it end up being Obama's Vietnam.

Too much murder and mayhem has been carried out in Iraq and Afghanistan and very little gains to show other than making the U.S extremely unpopular in the Middle East and in the Afghanistan/Pakistan region. Pakistanis were recently asked who they fear most, 60% said Americans and only 20% said Taliban (probably the figure was even lower for Taliban). More troops more causalities. How are Americans going to react to that? Meanwhile the life of the average Afghani is becoming more and more miserable. So much for freeing Afghanis from the Taliban.

Afghanis never attacked the U.S either, they have no such an interest. Those who are alleged to have participated in 9/11 were Saudis and other Arabs. Diplomacy would have worked much better to get hold of such insurgents. I don't think there is a need for more troops but there sure is a need for a different strategy.

US and NATO governments/forces are telling us that they brought freedom to Afghanistan.

Watch the above videos and see what this war is doing to the children of Afghanistan alone. In the top video look at the faces of children very carefully. Bottom video elaborates a little more as to what is happening. According to one estimate 60,000 children live on the streets of Kabul alone. Parents are so desperate that they are selling their children to feed the rest of the family. Is this progress? If you have a heart and watch this video, it will bring tears to your eyes. Afghanis need peace and a better life, not more war and a playground for big powers to test their war toys. Those who are benefiting the most from such wars are the war and weapons industries. Wake up world, we are not that evolved yet and we are not that civilized either if we are allowing this to happen.

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