Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tom Clark of CTV on Rick Hillier

Every Friday Steve Murphy of CTV's Maritime division interviews his colleague Tom Clark from Ottawa on current events. This Friday he asked Clark about Afghanistan and the torture issue. Clark went something like this: now that Rick Hillier has spoken on the issue it is a game changer. He said Rick Hillier is highly respected by Canadians and is a man of great integrity and credibility. Oh really, Tom? Thank you for telling us that. I did not know anything about the popularity of Rick Hillier. Did the rest of you know? Well now you do.

Tom, do yourself a favour and leave your cocoon in Ottawa and travel Canada a little more and you may get a different picture. Then what do I know, he is the "expert" on current events.


  1. Too bad Mr. Clark didn't question Hillier about his continued defense of Asadullah Khalid.

  2. Greg, we know now that Hillier will admit to nothing. As far as Clark is concerned we know where his loyalities are. Is he not a buddy of Mike Duffy?

  3. Anonymous2:55 pm

    Hillier is a jackass.

    He got us into the Afghani mess and now wants to blame other for his failure.

  4. C_WTF, stop insulting a jackass. Not fair.

  5. I should add that jackasses do a lot of good work in Afghanistan and in other countries in the region. It is their main source of transportation for some.
