Monday, November 09, 2009

No War Day

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I usually don't pay much attention to Andy Rooney's weekly ranting on CBS's 60 Minutes but this one is real good. He talks about Veterans Day and wars. He talks about the futility and heartbreak of wars and how civilization has not moved much further when it comes to wars. Then he suggests that instead of Veterans Day why not have a "No War Day". Coming from a veteran of the war I thought it was very meaningful.


  1. As long as we are under that impression and as long as Americans believe that diplomacy and negotiation are analogous to appeasement, war will remain the only remaining option. With that mindset, the mantra “NEVER AGAIN!” will not ever have any meaning; there will always continue to be veterans and a Veterans Day, which is more of a celebration of war than honoring their service.

  2. Horatio, you're quite right. It is sad, isn't. There will always be warmongers amongst us who will prevail.
