Thursday, November 19, 2009

Koronation of Karzai

Karzai is coronated today as the President of Afghanistan for a second term. Our Foreign Minister calls it an important day for democracy.

"Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon... called Karzai's inauguration an "important day for the democratic development of Afghanistan."

"This president is a legitimate president," he said in a conference call with journalists following the ceremony."

Click here to read the rest of the story.

Mr. Cannon can canonize Karzai as President all he wants but who the hell is he fooling? Talk about emperor without clothes. The whole world knows Karzai is not duly elected and he controls only the Kabul area, that is why they call him the Mayor of Kabul. 80% of the country is under Taliban control. Cannon, Harper and company thinks that they can "fool all the people all the time." If only we had a strong Liberal leader, then Harper will be history in no time... actually a footnote to history.


  1. Anonymous2:31 pm

    All show and no action.

    It is as if these neo-cons live in a world of where what they say and hope is the truth with no accountability whatsoever..

  2. Cherniak WTF, it is always good to hear from you friend.

    Unfortunately with next to no opposition Harpies are getting away with too much. In others words there is hardly anyone to make them accountable.

  3. Anonymous3:39 pm

    I found it laughable that Karzai is going to fight corruption - what's he been up to these past 8 years?

  4. It is like putting a daycare under the supervision of a pedophile.

  5. "Koronation of Karzai," Mayor of Kabul. Hmmm ... 3 Ks, just like the "Krusty Komedy Klassic" at the Apollo (remember that one?)

    Karzai has no more legitimacy than Than Shwe or Robert Mugabe. He's a natural gas and oil huckster disguised as a head of state, no more or less.

  6. BlastFurnace, LoL. Thank you I needed that.
