Friday, October 16, 2009

Stephen Harper and Beatlemania

There is a hilarious picture in Macleans showing Harper and Family as the Beatles are shown on one of their albums. Now that Harper is in the entertainment field, what is going to be the next step? Maybe Gene Simmons of Kiss.


  1. Harper is the opposite of everything the Beatles ever meant.

  2. Actually, I always thought of him as either Ozzy, Alice Cooper or Marilyn Manson.

    However, If he's going into the entertainment field, he should either become an illusionist or a magician...either way, I hope he disappears and never comes back!!

  3. Sassy, that was just a political stunt.

    BW, all three fit him well. ;) However, disappearing act will be the best he will ever perform.

  4. More hypocrisy from Harper.
    He is diametrically opposed to everything the Beattles stood for or sang about.
    This post earned my vote!
